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AmoLatinas Tips for Healthy Communication in LDRs

Long-distance relationships (LDR) are tricky. You need to be good at scheduling, and you need to have a boat-load of patience. On top of that, your communication skills have to be on point. In the long run, if you put in the effort, it’s going to be worth it. Before this, you have to sharpen your communication skills first.

AmoLatina’s Tips: Bettering Your Communication Skills Means Bettering Your LDR

Communication is perhaps the most important skill if there are miles between you and your loved one. It’s going to be one of the keys to your success, so it’s necessary that you learn how to be a better communicator:

1. The Frequency of Your Communication

Deciding to talk every day isn’t a necessity. You can choose to talk with your partner every other day if your schedule permits. The main thing to think about with frequency is that it has to be at a rate that you and your partner can keep up. AmoLatina’s mobile app makes staying in touch a breeze.

2. Speak Up

If you feel like something’s wrong in your relationship, don’t keep it to yourself. Speak up, so your partner knows how you’re feeling. For example, if you can’t be online during a specific time because of a meeting, then let your better half know. Another example is when you don’t feel comfortable that your partner is always hanging out with a specific person. Don’t just keep your feelings and let them boil up inside of you.

3. Don’t Forget About Yourself

In this entire process, you shouldn’t forget to take care of yourself. Yes, it’s important to dedicate a certain amount of time to the relationship, but you also have to be mindful of not losing yourself. Taking care of yourself is a good way to balance everything out.

4. Don’t Jump to Conclusions

Usually, when we are in an LDR, we often jump to conclusions. For example, if your partner said goodnight, but you still saw him or her online on Facebook. We’re probably thinking that he or she is chatting with someone else. Instead of doing this, it’s better to change your perspective to keep your relationship healthy. Don’t jump to negative conclusions right away.

5. Invest in Your Thoughts

As an extension of the #4 tip, you have to take care of your thoughts and not just your physical health. Aside from preventing yourself from jumping to conclusions, you also have to think positively about other aspects of your relationship such as when you’ll meet or if you will end up together in the long run. Whatever you sow is what you will reap.

You may find it hard to keep up with all of these practices and tips, but remember that this is for the sake of maintaining your LDR. AmoLatina suggests doing the tasks consistently to make a habit out of them. Once you have done enough, they’ll just happen like clock-work. Another upside of this is that it’s going to benefit your non-romantic relationships as well since you are honing your communication skills.

The post AmoLatina’s Tips for Healthy Communication in LDRs appeared first on AmoLatina Singles Online.

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