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Marketing for Government Contractors: The Basics

Government contractors face a unique problem when the discussion involves marketing. Unlike traditional business-to-consumer or business-to-business marketing, government program managers and procurement officers deal with a smaller audience. However, the audience in question can be difficult to impress.

Winning contracts require building awareness and stronger relationships with leaders and decision-makers. To attain both, small to mid-sized contractors must properly allocate their resources and time, as well as invest in marketing techniques and tools for government contractors.

Government Contractors Have Unique Needs

Traditional businesses, whether they are marketing to other businesses or to consumers, must determine who their target audience is, as well as brainstorm ways to engage with them to build brand awareness.

On the other hand, government contractors already know their target audiences. The question now is how they can reach these audiences in a way that will encourage a dialog and trigger a series of decisions that will lead to a government contract.

While traditional marketing strategies are effective, they don’t always work for government contractors. If you’re new tomarketing or need help with it, here are strategies that will help you win those contracts.

Marketing Strategies for Government Contractors

Focus on Innovation

How can you market innovation?

In general, government contractors must use internal tools to create timed messages for specific decision-makers. They turn to editorial associations and publications that may hold award programs meant to showcase the local, state and federal government levels.

Vendor awards hosted by government agencies are one of the best ways to promote innovators. It is also considered an acceptable form of endorsement since it does not directly endorse any vendor. Plus, it boosts employee morale.

Understand Government Ethics

The usual marketing strategies practice engaging calls-to-action, which often includes asking people to sign up for the newsletter for giveaways. Although calls-to-action are important in marketing, all employees must still follow ethical rules that discourage the acceptance of giveaways or gratuities. There are some exceptions, which include educational materials. Otherwise, make sure that your CTAs are always in line with government ethics.

What makes a good and ethical CTA? Your call-to-action should use clear and concise language. It should encourage readers to engage with you – receive a white paper, sign up for your newsletter, get in touch with you ASAP or sign up for your newsletter.

Use Targeted Campaigns

Before you win a sales contract, you must go through a long sales cycle – with the duration varying among contractors. If you are a smaller government contractor, think of time as a precious resource. You can only target one government agency at a time. if you are competing in a hectic marketplace, develop a more targeted campaign to win more contracts. Check your outreach and branding efforts to ensure you are properly marketing to government agencies.

Shift to a Digital Marketing Strategy

Nowadays, your online presence can make or break a client’s decision to choose your business. So, it’s important to have all your product and service information available online. In a world run by technology, creating digital experiences should be a priority.

Start by creating a responsive website. Your website is your business card online. When people search for your service, they turn to Google and other search engine platforms. In turn, these platforms offer websites to searching clients. Having a section of your website dedicated to government contracting is advisable. However, make sure that your landing pages are responsive for both mobile and desktop use.

Responsive landing pages hit two goals with one stone: you provide clients with a better user experience and your website will rank higher in the search engine results pages. With a better ranking, more people will find you.

Another way to go digital with your marketing is via virtual tours. These digital tours of your facilities are great ways of showing off your company’s identity and culture with relative ease. Also, create original content (such as demonstration videos) to attract and inform curious clients.

While traditional paper marketing remains an effective strategy, online experiences offer a better way of spreading the message. You can still partner with printing businesses, but you must have a digital attack on marketing, too.

Everyone is online and you must meet your prospects where they are. Digital marketing strategies vary from one company to another; there’s no one-size-fits-all solution. You’ll need a solid strategy to generate potential leads and nurture client relationships.

Whether your strategy involves content marketing, social media, email marketing or other strategies, focus on your users first to encourage business growth.

The post Marketing for Government Contractors: The Basics first appeared on Promark Business Solutions.

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