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Keller ISD Florence Elementary | Behind the Design

Florence Elementary was built in 1975 and is Keller ISD's oldest Pre-K through fourth-grade campus. The 2019 Bond envisioned the new replacement school on the existing campus site. The space on the remaining property allowed for the construction of the new campus without interrupting existing buildings. The scheduled completion date was July 2021. December 2021 is the finalized completion date of the remaining site work and demolition of the old school.

"Florence and Heritage are legacy projects for KISD and VLK," said Sloan Harris, CEO | Partner of VLK Architects. "We have partnered with KISD for three decades now, delivering on exponential growth, and now returning to the older campuses and bringing them into the next generation of learning environments is so incredibly rewarding because of the deep culture, heart, and soul these campuses exude."

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