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Proper Site Relevance

Proper Site Relevance

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Proper Site Relevance - The Ultimate Search Engine Optimization Solution

To show how related a website is in relation to a certain search term or topic content relevance is used. The relevance of the topic is very important for search engine optimization. 

Key point: The better the text or page content matches the search term, the more likely it is that it will rank well. This means that content relevance is one of the ranking factors that Google uses to rank a website in its index.

Things to Keep In Mind

Definition of the term “Content Relevance”

The term shows how well the site’s information matches the search query. The criteria of relevance include visual text, as well as content elements such as images or videos. Furthermore, relevance can be created through meta elements like title, meta description and alt tags. 

There is a quiet difference between content relevance and topical relevance as it’s concerned regarding the meaning of the text on the website and is not mainly related to the links between websites.

What Does Content Relevance mean for Search Engines?

For each search query, search engines evaluate which websites can match the users’ requirements in their index. To do this, the algorithm evaluates how well the sites in the index match what the user is looking for. Simultaneously, the characteristics of individual websites are taken into account, such as load times, technical specifications, link structure and, as we discuss here, the relevance of the content. These algorithms are processes that generate rankings in search results.

Typically, relevance refers to the importance that is assigned to an object. In the IT field, the term relevance refers to the importance of a digital document about a search query. It can be implemented on websites in simple search engines and in more complex search processes such as web searches.
Relevant texts are extremely important for search engines like Google. This is due to the fact that the search results are as close as possible to the various search queries of users. The ultimate goal is a satisfying user experience. Because search engine providers are also businesses that try to generate income through paid advertising on search engine results pages. The closer the results match to the search query, the more confidence users will have in the results and will expand into the search engine itself.

Break it Down

What Are The Different Types Of SEO?

At Syndiket, we believe four types of SEO exist – and we have an acronym to represent those 4 types of SEO. The acronym is T.R.A.P. 

“T” stands for Technical, “R” stands for Relevancy, “A” stands for Authority, and “P” stands for popularity. Search engine optimization has many smaller divisions within the 4 types, but all of them can be placed into one of these 4 buckets.

Generally, technical SEO for local businesses carry the least importance for ranking. Technical SEO has a bare minimum that is required and this usually includes things like site speed, indexation issues, crawlability, and schema. Once the core technical parts are done, minimal upkeep is required.

Relevancy is one of trivium elements of SEO. It has equal importance with popularity signals and authority signals. Relevancy signals are based on algorithmic learning principles. Bots crawl the internet every time a searcher has a search. Each search is given a relevancy score and the URLs that pop up for a query. The higher the relevancy score you attain, the greater your aggregated rating becomes in Google’s eyes. Digital marketing is a strange thing in 2020, and ranking a website requires the website to be relevant on many fronts.

Google’s Co-creator, Larry Page, had a unique idea in 1998 which has led to the modern-day Google Empire. “Page Rank”, named after Larry Page himself, was the algorithm that established Google as a search engine giant. The algorithm ranked websites by authority. 

Every page of a website has authority and the sum of all pages has another authority metric. The authority metric is largely determined by how many people link to them (backlinks). The aggregate score of all pages pointing to a domain creates the domain score, which is what Syndiket calls “Domain Rating”, per Ahrefs metrics. The more a site is referenced, the more authority it has. But, the real improvement to the algorithm came when Google began to classify authority weight. 

If Tony Hawk endorsed Syndiket for skateboarding, it would carry a lot more authority than 5 random high school kids endorsing Syndiket. This differentiation in authority happened in 2012 with the Penguin update. Authority SEO is complicated but VERY important.

Popularity signals are especially strong for GMB or local SEO, but popularity and engagement are used for all rankings. The goal of this signal is for Google to verify its own algorithm. You can check off all the boxes, but if your content is something real people hate, Google has ways to measure that. Syndiket has proprietary methods of controlling CTR (click-through rate) but we also infuse CRO methods into our work to make sure people actually like the content. Social shares and likes are also included in this bucket.

Possible Criteria for Determining Content Relevance

There are different ways to view the content of a website to determine if it matches a given search query:

  • Content language: Providing content in the same language as the query is made is a prerequisite for relevance. To assign the content clearly to a language or region, it is possible to use the hreflang attribute.
  • Body text: This refers to how well the meaning of the text matches the search.
  • Page title: The page title can indicate the website’s main topic and thus form a criterion based on relevance.
  • Images and graphics: Visual material supports the text information and can increase the relevance.
  • Local aspect: In this case, it can be important to use terms that correspond to a certain region

Navigational structure and website architecture in SEO Campaigning


Organizing the pages and information in “umbrellas” or “buckets” helps search engines sort your content. Nesting topical pages within larger umbrella pages will help your website stay organized. The easiest way to establish a logical website hierarchy is to map your website’s structure before you create it. Additionally, the names of your URLs must match this hierarchy.

Site Maps

Make sure that your website contains a site map–this tool is essential for search engines to be able to crawl your site.


Too many drop-down menus, buttons, and links will not only slow down your website, but they will also confuse users and make it difficult for search engine crawling.

Limited Page Levels

While it’s important to nest pages and create a hierarchy, creating too many levels within this hierarchy—subpage after subpage after subpage—will defeat your organizational purpose.

Mobile UX (user experience)

Most of us know from personal experience that the primary way people use the internet is through mobile and tablets. What should be an obvious point by this time needs to be said again: make sure your website works on a phone. After you have built the bones of your website and filled it in with relevant, high-quality content, it’s time to work on your company’s off-website SEO.

How Does SearchMetrics Calculate Content Relevance?

Searchmatics also evaluates the relevance of content – both for its content rating in the Searchmatics Content Experience and for ranking analysis.

Methods for measuring the relevance of content are based, among other things, on the use of linguistic corpora and the concept of semantic relationships between words as vectors. For semantic text evaluation, this allows keywords and content to be evaluated separately from each other.

It provides a means to create scores for entire texts, expressing the relevance of the text and the relationship between a keyword or subject matter. The higher this relevance, the more relevant the content of the landing page can be considered for the corresponding search query.

Off-site SEO is a list of improvements you can make that occur outside of your actual website. You can improve your SEO by using off-site factors that are trustworthy, reliable, and relevant. When reputable sources link to your profile (social media shares, links to your website, etc.), your SEO improves.

Off-site SEO consists of many factors including building trust by linking to relevant, high-authority sites. Off-site SEO is also improved through using a healthy number of links–including internal links–that are anchored with target keywords, the keywords that search engines have determined as most relevant or desirable.

The Importance of Content Relevance for Search Engine Optimization

Content relevance plays a key role in the on-page optimization part of search engine optimization. How well to improve the URL of the content of targeted keywords is the main function of this part of SEO. For example, accepting website content for a category or article can improve keyword rankings. It is in this context that the term “holistic” content is commonly used. Content of this type covers all aspects of the topic and provides users with a clear added value by providing solutions to the problems or queries behind their search query.

There is no doubt that Content relevance is one of the important ranking factors, but the fact is that it is still one of over a hundred factors that search engines like Google use in their algorithms. It is a combination of all factors that is the basis for a good ranking in search results.
An example can be used to show this: The content of a website could be highly relevant to the topic, but if the page takes far too long to load and is not optimized for mobile, then it will likely not be able to rank highly in the mobile SERPs.

How Can I Create Relevance with My Content?

Webmasters, SEOs, and editors can use targeted keyword research to determine which words are relevant to search queries. Tools like Google Keyword Planner can be used in this research. In addition, the importance of the content can be increased by applying the WDF * IDF formula. It uses the best websites to determine which words should be in the best document in order to match a specific search keyword. When creating content based on this research, the goal should not be to tie the relevant words and phrases together, but to take a holistic approach to the overall theme.

Additional benefits can also be derived from the proper use of images, videos, or other “rich content”, provided that this creates additional value for users.

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