South Florida Drug Rehab - Transformations Treatment Center

""South Florida Addiction Treatment Program" is a comprehensive drug rehab facility, offering a comprehensive drug addiction treatment program to address all aspects of drug addiction including withdrawal symptom treatment. "South Florida Addiction Treatment Program" provides comprehensive services that include physical, mental, and behavioral assessment, detoxification, individual and group therapy, medication management, educational programs, support groups and family programs.

"South Florida Addiction Treatment Program" is known to be an all-inclusive, multi-faceted, residential drug rehabilitation facility located in south Florida. "South Florida Addiction Treatment Program" is accredited by the American Association of Alcoholism and Drug Dependence. "South Florida Addiction Treatment Program" is dedicated to providing an integrated, culturally and medically appropriate drug rehabilitation program for individuals and families in the Miami-Dade County area. The "South Florida Addiction Treatment Program" offers personalized, comprehensive, and outpatient drug rehabilitation programs that are individualized to address each individual's unique needs.

"South Florida Addiction Treatment Program" was established by the Center for the Development of Recovery at the Spring Gardens Hospital in south Florida. "South Florida Addiction Treatment Program" offers both outpatient and inpatient drug rehabilitation services and offers the best in outpatient drug rehabilitation programs. "South Florida Addiction Treatment Program" is accredited by the American Association of Alcoholism and Drug Dependence. The "South Florida Addiction Treatment Program" accepts most major insurance companies, and our inpatient drug rehabilitation services are offered in both a residential setting, as well as an inpatient facility.

"South Florida Addiction Treatment Program" also provides outpatient drug counseling, medication management, community-based counseling, support groups, and family therapy. The "South Florida Addiction Treatment Center" is fully accredited by the Association of Behavioral and Drug Addiction Programs and the National Association of Alcoholism and Drug Abuse Services of America.

"South Florida Treatment Center" has a highly skilled, staff of licensed professionals who specialize in the field of drug addiction. The "South Florida Addiction Treatment Center" utilizes a comprehensive approach to drug addiction treatment including individual and family treatment programs, 12-step programs, group therapy, alcohol, and drug detoxification and relapse prevention. The "South Florida Treatment Center" also offers medical detoxification, mental health care, acupuncture, herbal detoxification, spiritual programs, education, vocational training, and self-help groups.

The "South Florida Treatment Center" offers both outpatient services and inpatient services. It is committed to improving the quality of life of its residents and provides the highest levels of drug and alcohol rehabilitation programs, including detoxification, treatment for alcohol and other substance abuse disorders, medical detoxification, counseling, and support groups.

The "South Florida Addiction Treatment Center" is committed to helping its residents overcome their addiction and live productive, fulfilling lives. The "South Florida Addiction Treatment Center" is committed to providing quality treatment by providing an individualized, holistic plan of treatment that addresses the unique needs of every individual and family.

Our mission is to educate people about our center's mission statement, provide resources to improve treatment, strengthen the recovery process, and to reduce the stigma associated with substance abuse. Our center is committed to creating a healthy, drug-free community. We strive to provide the very best for our residents through our professional staff and community based services and programs.

Transformations Treatment Center
14000 S Military Trail, Delray Beach, FL 33484
FV9H+MC Delray Beach, Florida
Drug Rehab in South Florida

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