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Ovulation symptoms how do you know when youre most fertile?

ovulation symptoms

Each cycle, your body provides clues to when you are approaching ovulation. Learning these ovulation symptoms will help you get the timing right during your most fertile window.

What ovulation symptoms should you look for?

Ovulation is not an entirely hidden process. There are a number of ovulation symptoms that are often experienced by women some more prevalent that others.

Basal Body Temperature Variations – Your basal body temperature (BBT) is your lowest temperature after sleeping. BBT slightly rises after ovulation and stays elevated for about 10 days.

Cervical Fluid Indicators – You are likely to have wetter cervical fluid (also known as cervical mucus) while you are ovulating, and the cervical fluid often changes just before and during ovulation to resemble that of egg white.

Cervical Changes – In addition to cervical fluid variations, you can also expect your cervix to feel softer, wetter and more open before ovulation.

What other ovulation symptoms may you experience?

Many women experience a variety of secondary ovulation symptoms however these can be inconsistent throughout a women’s life.

If you begin lightly spotting when it is not time for menstruation, it is highly likely that you just ovulated. You can, of course, use an ovulation predictor kit which can help you predict ovulation but here are some things to look out for.

What symptoms should you look out for?

  • Abdominal bloating
  • Cramping on just one side of your pelvis
  • An increased sex drive
  • Headaches
  • Mild nausea
  • Bloating
  • Tender breasts
  • Heightened senses such as vision, taste or smell
  • Ovulation pain

It is possible for you to develop any combination of these symptoms, and tracking your cycle will make it much easier for you to determine whether or not you are truly at your peak conception time.

Every 28 days or so, one mature egg is released from the ovary. This is called ovulation.

After the egg is released, it moves into the fallopian tube where it stays for about 24 hours. If the egg is not fertilised during that time, the egg disintegrates (breaks down) and menstruation (your period) begins 2 weeks later.

Watch this video: Ovulation Symptoms: How To Know You Are Ovulating

Does every woman experience the same symptoms?

Not every woman will experience symptoms of ovulation. The symptoms can also vary between different women and at different stages in life. Therefore, it is best to use these methods alongside an ovulation calendar if you are truly determined to get pregnant.

Your cervix is the neck of your uterus (womb), and you can feel it within your vagina. As you approach ovulation your cervix becomes soft, high, open and wet (SHOW).

After ovulation these signs reverse, and your cervix becomes firm, low, closed and dry.

How understanding ovulation symptoms help you conceive

Having sex in the three days leading up to ovulation, and including ovulation day will dramatically increase your chances of getting pregnant. These represent the most fertile days in your menstrual cycle ovulation.

Why are you sometimes sick while ovulating?

You may experience a range of symptoms in the second half of your menstrual cycle. This period of time after ovulation and before bleeding begins may trigger things like headache, fatigue, and nausea. … The usual cramps and headaches may also make you feel sick to your stomach and generally unwell.

Therefore, if you have not been tracking your cycle or paying close enough attention to your body, you should consider beginning this process. The quicker you become more attuned to your body’s cycle and signs of ovulation, the better your chances of conceiving.

What are the signs of ovulation?

The NHS website states ovulation is when an egg is released from one of your ovaries.

There are also a few ways to work out when you ovulate which can improve your chances of getting pregnant.

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