Many of us are feeling too guilty to rest even during a pandemic.Read More Some of us are feeling too guilty to take a break, even during a pandemic. Do Nothing author Celeste Headlee explai...If Youre Too Scared to Do These 5 Things Your Leadership May Be on Life SupportRead More What can leaders do to retain their remote employees? The answer may scare you. By: contactedorg Title: If You’re T...How To Pull Off an Acquisition During the PandemicRead More To navigate the current constraints on due diligence and team integration, companies are taking novel measures, fro...Do you have a hierarchy of purpose to drive your projects and the quality of your internal relationships?Read More David Nour, author of Relationship Economics in conversation with Antonio Nieto-Rodriguez, former global chair of P...Facebook Is Working on a Clubhouse Clone and It Shows Mark Zuckerberg Is Out of Good IdeasRead More The social media company has a history of copying other people’s good ideas. By: contactedorg Title: Facebook Is Wo...5 Tips For Delivering Virtual Presentations With Conviction and EngagementRead More Intimidated by virtual presentations? An expert shares how youcan make the pivot from trepidationto enthusiasm. By:...Should You Double Mask in the Workplace?Read More The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention released new guidelines for wearing masks. You can make your mask fi...Zoom Burnout Is Real. Here Are 4 Practical Ways to CopeRead More Have a love-hate relationship to Zoom? It’s time to accept it and move on. By: contactedorg Title: Zoom Burnout Is ...No Millionaire Role Model? No Problem. What His Big Brother Taught Him About Business SuccessRead More For Black History Month, an Atlanta entrepreneur reflects on what representation has meant to him. By: contactedorg...5 Guidelines for Building an Online CommunityRead More Covid-19 has pushed these communities to the forefront By: contactedorg Title: 5 Guidelines for Building an Online ...Pet sitting marketplace Rover grabs a bone valued at $1.3 billion in latest SPAC dealRead More Another day, another SPAC. Today, we’ve learned that Seattle online pet sitting marketplace Rover plans to join the...New Report: Pay Transparency May Be the Key to Keeping Your Employeesin 2021Read More The pandemic has evolved how employees view work and compensation. By: contactedorg Title: New Report: Pay Transpar...Tech Moves: Zillow exec Racquel Russell joins Birds board; new gig for startup vet Rebecca LovellRead More Racquel Russell. (Bird Photo) — Zillow’s VP of Partner Success Racquel Russell joined the board of micro-mobility c...Meet the Husband-and-Wife Duo Disrupting the Billion-Dollar Floral IndustryHow two entrepreneurs started a company, fell in love and are gearing up for this Valentine’s Day despite the pandemic. Artic...The Story of How Larissa Maloney Capitalized on the Pandemic to Start a BusinessRead More fitness business, female entrepreneurs, pandemic businesses By: contactedorg Title: The Story of How Larissa Malone...Jamie Little Is About to Make Motorsports Broadcasting Historyand Prove the Valueof the Classic Definition of EntrepreneurshipRead More Jamie Little of Fox Sports is the first woman to be the television voice of a national motorsports series. And she’...14 U.S. health systems form new Seattle startup plan to pool data in search for breakthroughsRead More A group of 14 U.S. health systems, representing tens of millions of patients across 40 states, will pool their data...Apptio makes another acquisition buying enterprise agile planning startup TargetprocessRead More (Apptio Photo) Cloud-based IT management startup Apptio has acquired enterprise agile planning startup Targetproces...