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Standard post published to Water Extraction Team at May 16 2021 16:01

Water Removal Fairport Harbor

Water Removal Fairport Harbor

Flooded water and other water damages resulting from heavy rains or broken water pipes are likely to cause disruptions with your daily activities. If the water is ignored for some time, it causes an awful smell that comes with the growth of mold and other microorganisms. It is advisable to hire an experienced professional to handle the tedious work of water removal instead of doing it yourself. The most reputable company to hire these professionals from when you are in Fairport Harbor, and surrounding areas is the Water Extraction Team. We will work with you to extract all the water from your house, eliminate the odor that comes with the stagnated water and sanitize the entire place. Call us at (440)953-0767 for the most successful water removal Fairport Harbor has.

Water Extraction Team
1206 High St, Fairport Harbor, OH 44077
(440) 953-0767
Open 24 Hours


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