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Bankruptcy Cases To Watch In The Second Half Of 2021

Law360 (July 16, 2021, 8:40 PM EDT) — Though the pace of new bankruptcy cases slowed in the first half of 2021, the proceedings of large and complex cases continue to wind their way through the nation’s insolvency courts.

Here, Law360 gives a preview of what to expect for the remainder of 2021 in significant pending cases.

Purdue Pharma

The OxyContin maker’s Chapter 11 case has been pending since September 2019, when it filed for bankruptcy in the face of thousands of lawsuits arising from the national opioid crisis. After nearly two years, the company’s proposed plan is coming up for confirmation in August.

Centered on a $4.5 billion…

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The post Bankruptcy Cases To Watch In The Second Half Of 2021 first appeared on Aggressive Injury Law.
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