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Dr. Rashid Buttar Lies on CNN Real Physician Reacts

On this episode of Real Physician Reacts we have doctor Rashid Buttar, one of the most prominent health care figures in regards to covid-19 disinformation. His appearance on CNN is what I will be highlighting today. In typical antivax fashion he continues spreading some of the same lies that his other fellow antivaxxers spread about the effectiveness of the vaccine, who is the blame for the pandemic and so much more.

What is worse is that as a board certified medical physician his words carry so much more weight and despite recognizing that his words can cost lives he doesn’t seem to care. Especially because he knows that the medical boards will not doing anything against him. Let’s watch together as another antivaxxer with a significant platform begins spewing lies again.

Feel free to catch the next episode in the series live on Thursday's at 9pm eastern standard time on my youtube channel

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