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Standard post published to Smile Design Dental at November 09 2021 17:00

Tmj Treatment in Fort Lauderdale, Florida

No one wants to experience chronic pain. Unfortunately for many, they do not know what is causing their aches and pains. We provide TMJ treatment in Fort Lauderdale to help you relieve symptoms related to this ailment. TMJ is short for temporomandibular joint disorder, which can cause both temporary and chronic pain. The temporomandibular joint connects the jaw to the base of the skull. Problems could stem from arthritis or trauma that has caused this area to become inflamed or damaged. Often TMJ treatments in Fort Lauderdale will include a combination of anti-inflammatory medication, ice/heat treatment, or chiropractic adjustments with an oral appliance to reposition the jaw away from painful positions. If you are experiencing symptoms related to TMJ disorder, schedule your consultation today by calling our office.

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