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Standard post published to Smile Design Dental of Margate at November 26 2021 17:01

Veneers in Margate, FL

Veneers in Margate, FL, as a way to straighten teeth for an attractive smile and improve self-confidence through enhanced self-esteem from having a beautiful smile that looks amazing in photos. The white color of natural teeth is achieved by exposing the enamel of the tooth, which means veneers provide optimum results when attached to healthy teeth with minimal en because only a tiny amount of this enamel is trimmed away to give the tooth a more natural shape, size, and color. Veneer treatments are also highly sought after because these restorations can be quickly attached and removed from the teeth, making them great for people who want to avoid extensive dental work but still require a solution to correct gaps or correct tooth fractures or other cosmetic issues with their teeth.


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