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Muscle and Weight Gain Tips for Skinny Girls

Muscle and Weight Gain Tips for Skinny Girls:

Hey, girl! Are you sick of being the skinny one among your friends or trying to fill that gap between your thighs while all dressed up in a mini skirt? If you are struggling to gain weight to become physically attractive, then you are at the right place.

Being skinny is not just about your looks but it is also about your overall health. Your weight is essential when it comes to living a healthy lifestyle. Commonly, girls don’t gain weight even if their consumption is adequate. There are girls out there who are looking for ways to lose weight and some are in search of ways to gain weight. No girl is alone in both cases. Such weight problems are common among girls. 

There is always some desired figure for girls. It is most likely that you want a body figure for yourself too.

When it comes to gaining weight, nutritious food and necessary exercises are involved. The number of bodily processes such as digestion, immune system, nutrition, etc contributes to increase the weight and get you out of the skinny phase. Some diet and lifestyle changes can help you gain muscle and become healthy and fit.

Why Being Skinny is Harmful to Your Health?

If you are classified as “underweight” it is probably not a good sign. Deciding to gain weight and muscle is one of the best decisions you can make for your health. Being underweight means being small in size and less energetic as well.

Additionally, it can affect your health by increasing the risk of infections, anaemia and osteoporosis. The hormonal changes such as the absence of menstrual cycle are one of the top reasons why being skinny is harmful to girls.

If you don’t decide to put on some weight now, you will probably become an unhealthy mother or maybe give birth to an unhealthy child. Apart from being just breeding human being, you must become something on your own by building a successful career. To do that, you need energy.

The above details are just a quick picture of the basic issues of being underweight and how it affects your health. Now is the time to know some basic steps you can take to gain some muscle and weight in order to become healthy and good looking.

Tips for Skinny Girls to Gain Muscle

Here are a few tips to gain muscle and weight. By following such diet and lifestyle, you can help yourself become more beautiful and healthy.

1.      Increase your calorie intake

Calories are the most important component of your meal when it comes to gaining as well as losing weight. Most of the girls who are aiming to lose weight try to beat the calorie part first because an excessive amount of calories means obesity.

So, the first thing to do is filling-up your diet with calorie-dense foods and drinks. Here, don’t get calorie-dense food wrong because fried and processed food is calorie-dense but not healthy at all. You need to take calories from those food items which provide you with healthy fats, vitamins, and several other essential nutrients. For the calorie part, you can count on meat, nuts, eggs, fishes, rice, grains, etc.

You can drink shakes and smoothies as well because such drinks are also rich in calories.

2.      Speed-up Metabolism

Let’s get real with your muscle gain goal. If you are a foody but still not gain weight easily then it is most likely that you gain weight slowly. In this case, there is a genetic component also, But don’t lose hope.

Firstly, you should take a scientific approach to this problem by finding out which foods are high in calories. Plan your meals according to that.

Secondly, to speed up your metabolism, eat plenty of protein at every meal you take every day and drink more cold water instead of sugary drinks.

By speeding up your metabolism you will probably get a better metabolic rate to gain muscle and eventually increase your weight.

3.      No more Junk Food

Junk food is indeed full of calories but that doesn’t mean it will help you become curvy in a healthy way. Absolutely, not! Instead, it will load you with the unhealthy fats which, in return, will harm your overall body. Eating processed food is unhealthy in every way.

4.      Eat more frequently all-day

This tip might seem a little difficult for you because one of the reasons for being skinny is less appetite. Most of the skinny girls don’t eat much as they don’t have huge appetites to fill.

This tiny solution can allow you less but more frequently. You can eat 5-6 meals a day but don’t forget to add extra calories to every meal as it will help you boost the muscle gain process.

5.      Say No to Alcohol

It is true that beverages aid weight gain but in an unhealthy way. So, it is better to get that curvy figure with along with good health. It is highly recommended that you avoid alcohol during your weight gain process. An excessive amount of this drink can cause harmful effects in the long run.

6.      Do some exercise too

Apart from eating, eat and eat part, one thing important is some workout. Workout burns calories but it also helps stimulate your appetite. Mild exercises can help the food transform into energy. Don’t push yourself too hard. Instead, keep it short at first and add more minutes with passing time.

7.      Plan your meals now!

Now you have got much of the weight gain ideas, get down to planning your meals for the muscle gain process. Your meals are on top of the planning list. Your meals must be composed of those food items rich in calories, vitamins, proteins, etc. Keeping all of this in mind, you can easily get the best meal plan for muscle gain.

It’s time to leave the “skinny girl” tag because it is indeed discouraging. Few tips like some of the above can help you start your journey towards the ideal body figure you dream of. 



via Tanna Reynolds
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