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Free Termite Inspection in Port St Lucie

Prevent Termite InfestationsSome properties appear to be in perfect condition. In reality, they may sometimes have hidden defects. Until about twenty years ago, one could not always be aware of them. It was only when one was likely to buy a house that he would notice structures infested by termites. Wood-eating insects and parasites are capable of degrading the integrity of the property.

Some owners have already experienced this type of misadventure. This is why the free termite inspection was set up. The aim is to detect these famous insects that are harmful to the property in question. The future owner has now the possibility to be aware of those risks.

Is it necessary to have a yearly termite inspection?


An annual termite diagnosis is essential for the early detection of termite activity. It prevents potential damage to your property. At the same time, inspections allow you to assess the vulnerability of buildings. It limits the risk of attack.

The termite inspection in Port St Lucie is thus carried out by a certified expert. He or she has professional liability insurance. During the visit, the diagnostician carries out a visual check of the entire property.

  1. He looks for all traces of infestation or damage linked to the presence of termites.
  2. He notes all the areas visited. Including the demountable parts, the areas that could not be always visited.
  3. In case of imminent danger, the seller may be sometimes forced to carry out the treatment of the woodwork.

Why do I need a termite inspection?

Termites have a mode of action. Since wood cellulose is the substance that termites seek out, they attack wood. These include for the most part:

  • Internal beams
  • Framing
  • Floors

They contribute to the weakening of these structures. How? By increasing the risk of collapse. They can be the cause of fires related to electrical short circuits. It is thus important to carry out termite inspection in Port St Lucie before selling your home.

Besides, an inspection is one of the mandatory real estate diagnostics during a sale. Should this not be the case, or if the certificate is not produced, the buyer may request compensation. Or even the cancellation of the sale.

How much should a termite inspection cost?


There is no regulation of the price of real estate diagnostics. Qualified companies can set their own rates. It is thus up to you to find out beforehand about the practices of the sector.

You should count on a budget of between 70 and 250 dollars. It depends on

  • The type of accommodation
  • The number of rooms
  • The geographical location

For a serious diagnosis, prefer a professional who will be within the market average. Group all the compulsory termite inspections with the same expert. You can save around 35% by optimizing travel and file costs. A saving of time and money.

Want a free inspection in Port St Lucie? Call ProControl Management Services and ask for all the information you need.

The post Free Termite Inspection in Port St Lucie appeared first on Pro Control Services.





via Fredrick Bryant
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