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The Incredible Molecule in Mushrooms and Bakers Yeast That Your Immune System Needs Now More Than Ever

Beta Glucans are incredible molecules derived from mushrooms and baker’s yeast which are scientifically shown to activate immune cells.

The incredible part stems from their ability to intelligently activate these cells in a balanced way rather than an unsafe chaotic way.

In other words, Beta Glucans make your immune system function safely and effectively which is more important than ever.

One of our favorite ways to get Beta Glucans is from Host Defense Medicinal Mushrooms, a product line created by world renowned mycologist, Paul Stamets!

Try Host Defense Stamets 7 for everyday immune support or Host Defense MyCommunity for more comprehensive support!

The post The Incredible Molecule in Mushrooms and Baker’s Yeast That Your Immune System Needs Now More Than Ever appeared first on Nature’s Outlet.

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