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Architectural Lighting in Las Vegas NV

Have you ever looked at some buildings, whether commercial or residential, and simply couldn’t stop gazing? Did you ever fall in love with a home or commercial building simply because of its lighting? 

That was by design.

Good lighting plays a crucial role in adding value to any architectural work. It determines the mood of the space and has a profound influence on the mood of the people in the space and their general experience of it. 

While good lighting is necessary, both indoors and outdoors, we’re going to focus on indoor lighting in this particular piece, as it has an outsized effect on our experience of a home.

Before you call an expert to handle your architectural lighting installation in Las Vegas, here are some tips to consider for the best possible results.

Architectural Lighting Installation

Lighting designers are just like painters in the sense that they have to start by imagining the end-result, and then looking for the right elements to give the visual imagination they had. 

The best place to start is with a focal glow. A focal glow will draw attention and will bring together the different parts of a space that may otherwise feel separate and alien from each other. 

Think of when you go camping. Everyone huddles around the campfire when it is lit. It brings the camp together by acting as the focus. A focal glow is to a space what a campfire is to a camp. 

By bringing focus through illumination, you create a richer and brighter atmosphere. The focal glow itself can be created in numerous ways, including task lighting or pendant lighting. The point is that it must be present before anything else, if you want your space to be visually appealing. 

Architectural Lighting Companies in Las Vegas

After focal glow comes ambient lighting. Ambient lighting helps to ensure the entire space is illuminated and creates a sense of security and safety through uniformly illuminating the space. 

Ambient lighting has a reassuring and relaxing quality to it, softening the atmosphere and causing our nerves to relax. It is one of those things you should plan carefully, whether you’re building a new space or renovating an older one. 

If you’re considering indoor LED lighting for your ambient lighting, then it’s hard to do any better than recessed lighting. That way the lighting won’t be direct but will still provide ample illumination to the space. 

Color temperature is central to architectural lighting

Your main consideration when you’re designing lighting for a space is the person or people who will use it on the daily. Something important to consider in this case is the color temperature and scheme of the lighting that would be best suited to bring life into the space. 

Generally speaking, 4000K is neutral white while 3000K is warmish. Both can do well in a working environment. You should also consider the geographical location. If you live in a generally warm climate, then you might prefer a cooler color temperature so the brain is tricked into thinking it is cooler than it actually is. If you live in a cold climate, then you want a space to feel warm and cosy, and so a warmer color temperature would be best.

The main point to note here is that the people using the space should be your main consideration.

Controls and dimming

You should always include smart control systems in your lighting design in the modern age. We have energy concerns and variable working hours these days, making controllers and dimmers more important considerations than ever.

A lighting control system will not only give the occupants of a space more power over how to set the scene and mood, but such additions as occupancy sensors can go as far as saving thousands of dollars in energy bills (they work by automatically switching the lights off when there’s no one in the room). 

The post Architectural Lighting in Las Vegas, NV appeared first on Callidus Electric.



via John Lopez
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