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Common Policyholder Mistakes When Managing Water Damage Claims

Your insurance policy may pay for repairs if a tree falls and hurts your property. The specifics of your policy and the circumstances surrounding the downed tree affects the scope of your coverage.

Generally speaking, your insurance coverage may pay for repairs if a tree falls as a result of a covered risk such as windstorm or lightning strike. However, your insurance could not pay for the damage if the tree collapses as a result of carelessness or poor upkeep.

It’s crucial to meticulously record the damage when making a claim for fallen tree damage. Make a list of any items that were impacted and take pictures of the damage. Keep receipts and record the work that was done if you need to make any quick repairs to mitigate further damage.

Be prepared to give your insurance company as much information as you can when you make your claim, including pictures, a detailed description of the damage, and any estimated costs for repairs. An adjuster from your insurance carrier may be dispatched to evaluate the damage and establish the scope of the coverage you are entitled to.

It’s also significant to keep in mind that the amount of coverage for damage caused by fallen trees may be capped in some insurance policies. 

If a tree falls on your property and damages it, your insurance policy might pay for the repairs, but the level of that coverage will vary depending on your policy and the specifics of the tree’s fall. To guarantee you obtain the coverage you are entitled to, it is crucial to fully describe the damage, submit a claim as soon as possible, and cooperate with your insurance provider.

Hiring a public adjuster such as JF Public Adjusters is a good opption for you to take when dealing with insurance claims. Managing a claim is no easy feat and trying to obtain a settlement commesurate to the damage is harder still. 

JF Public Adjusters offers a free claim review and consultation. Call / text (917) 272-8793

fallen tree damage and insurance claims

What are examples of property damage caused by fallen trees? 

The damage to property related to fallen trees can vary depending on the size of the tree, the location of the property, and the force with which the tree fell. Here are some common types of damage that may occur:

1. Structural Damage: If a tree falls onto a building, it can cause structural damage to the roof, walls, and foundation. The weight and force of the tree can cause significant damage that may require repairs to restore the structural integrity of the building.

2. Roof Damage: Fallen trees can damage the roof of a building by puncturing or tearing through the shingles or tiles. This can lead to water damage inside the building and require repairs to the roof and any damaged interior materials. If roof damage occurs to the property, it is important to contact a restoration company as soon as possible to tarp the roof and ensure it is watertight.  

3. Broken Windows: The force of a falling tree can also shatter windows and glass doors. This can cause not only physical damage but also allow weather elements to enter the building, leading to water damage or other types of deterioration.

4. Electrical Damage: If a tree falls onto power lines, it can cause electrical damage that can affect the entire electrical system in a building. This can lead to power outages, electrical surges or fires, which can be dangerous and require the assistance of an electrician.

5. Landscaping Damage: Fallen trees can also cause damage to landscaping, such as damaging gardens, lawns, driveways or retaining walls.

Fallen trees can cause various types of damage to a property, including structural damage, roof damage, broken windows, electrical damage, and landscaping damage. It’s important to document any damages and promptly file an insurance claim to address the damage as soon as possible.

If your property sustains damage due to an insured event, give us a call and we’ll be happy to discuss what we can do for you. Unsure if the damage is covered by your insurance? Contat us anyway, JF Public Adjusters offers a free claim review and consultation. Call or text (917) 272-8793.



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