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The Emergence Of Anti Solar Energy

splar panels

Just when you thought you'd seen it all they go ahead and create an "Anti-Solar Panel". The concept behind the anti solar panel is that they use heat radiated by the Earth at night.

A recent study indicates that researchers have built a method for dramatically improving "anti-solar" panels-a recent efficient , safe form of night-time energy generation.

"Anti-solar" panels operate by being cooler than nighttime Earth-radiated heat, absorbing the heat and converting it to energy using a thermoelectric generator.

Anti-solar panel developers claim they will produce about a quarter of the electricity as solar panels. But authors of a new study published in Optics Express on Monday claim they have developed a method that has increased energy generation by as much as 120 percent in simulations in these anti-solar panels.

The researchers say their redesign of the anti-solar generator was able to generate 2.2 watts of energy per square meter after evaluating these improvements-120 times the energy generated by previous anti-solar models.

The downside of these panels is that the energy produced is only about 25% of what better quality solar panels produce. But the technology is still in it's infancy so the future will tell.

This article appeared in

via Johns Solar Hub
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