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These Unofficial PS Stores Put Sonys to Shame

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Shopping the PS Store this holiday? You may as well give up on Sony’s official web-based effort, as it’s held together by Sellotape and Blu-Tack. And even if you own a spangly new PlayStation 5, then there’s a strong chance you won’t be able to see the latest round of discounted games, as there’s a lottery on whether you see the correct banner ad apparently.

Just give up, and use one of these third-party alternatives instead. We’ve been singing the praises of for a while, as it allows you to see game price history and filter based on discounts. It also compares digital game prices to physical game prices, and you can subscribe to titles you’re interested in to get email updates when they’re reduced.

Alternatively, a reader contacted us about their effort: This works similarly to, but one advantage it has is that it also includes information on how long each title will take to beat and how difficult you can expect the challenge to be. A perfect option for Trophy hunters, then.

Both websites are faster and easier to navigate than Sony’s official option, and they include tons of filtering options, allowing you to sort by discount percentage, base price, release date, and much more. At this point, we’d recommend you give up on PlayStation’s solution and use one of these alternatives instead – a sentence which, frankly, should leave the Japanese giant embarrassed.

via Free Game Guides
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