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Crime in the Summertime: Tips to Help Protect Your Home and Family

As the weather heats up, it’s easy to let your guard down. But did you know, summer is one of the busiest seasons for home break-ins? With many people eager to head out of their homes and offices and enjoy some fun in the sun, more houses are left empty, making them vulnerable to burglaries and other crimes.

What the research says about crime in the summer

Studies from around the world have demonstrated that crimes jumps during the warmer months — and even when it’s unseasonably warm in the winter.

A report from Drexel’s Dornsife School of Public Health, based on a decade’s worth of crime data, found overall crime rates were highest in the warmest months of the way.

A report from the U.S. Department of Justice revealed also revealed a clear trend: Rates of household property crimes tended to be higher in the summer (June, July, and August) than during other seasons of the year. Burglary showed the strongest seasonality of all household property crimes, with average burglary rates 11% higher in the in the summer than in the winter.

Why so much summertime crime?

This is a complicated question, and not all experts agree. But researchers have posed a handful of reasons that make a lot of sense:

  • Looser schedules (more time, more crime)
  • No school
  • More daylight hours
  • Longer windows of time away from home
  • More vacations
  • More empty homes
  • Lots of open doors and windows
  • Heat discomfort makes people more aggressive and likely to act out

According to one of the researchers from the Drexel study, which confirmed more crime in the heat:

“Our findings are reasonable when you think about social behavior. When temperatures are extremely cold or hot, people stay indoors. But as temperatures become more comfortable, more people are outdoors, which presents greater opportunity for crime.”

Leah Schinasi, PhD, Assistant Professor

All this research doesn’t mean you’re powerless against property crimes in the summer. It just means you need to be aware of how summertime patterns and behaviors change your level of risk. Then you can take extra care to keep your home and family safe.

So where should you focus in and around your home to help keep it safe this summer? What activities may increase your risk? Whether you’re taking an extended trip or just spending more time outdoors, here are some tips to help protect your home and your family.

Protect your home during summer vacations

Nothing says summertime quite like getting away from it all. And after relatively quiet travel season due to COVID-19, it would be an understatement to say people are ready to get out and get going.

Over two-thirds of Americans (67%) are planning to travel this summer.

Of those traveling, 29% are taking a weeklong trip and 28% vacationing for 10 days.

Burglars pay attention to the small details suggesting a vacant home and due to summertime being a popular time for vacations there are more vacant homes for weeks at a time.

  • Mail. Some say stop the mail, so a full mailbox does not raise a red flag. The best solution would be to allow a close friend to retrieve the mail. Stopping the mail allows people to know the house is empty especially if someone catches the mail person skipping the house for a few days.
  • Hold off on social media. Although frequently used, updating friends and family with pictures and experiences should be done following your getaway. Burglars remain up-to-date with social media to specifically find posts regarding empty homes. Depending the site, you may be able to shares posts with close and trusting friends, but if unsure it is best not to post. Please make others travelling with you aware to eliminate the risk.
  • Create the appearance of activity. To help burglars believe the home is not vacant ask a neighbor to park a car in your driveway occasionally. Remove the emergency key and consider re-hiding upon return. Consider a security system with Guardian Protection Services to ease your mind and help protect your home while away.
  • Windows. The cool breeze through the window tends to be more enjoyable in the summer, but do not forget to shut and lock them when leaving the house. Window access becomes easier with nicer weather. Also, closed blinds screams empty home, so be sure to leave one or a few open.
  • Lights. Timers that may be easily set-up with a security system allow outsiders to know people are home. Outside lights in the back and front on during the night keeps intruders away.

Get more tips to help secure your home during summer vacations.

Ways To Help Secure Your Pool

There’s nothing better than being able to hit the pool on a hot summer’s day. If you’re lucky enough to have your own pool or are considering adding one, considering the security of that pool is very important. Pool injuries are common for children, so constant supervision and a way to secure the area when it’s not in use is very important. Taking some precautions, however, can help secure your pool area and give you some peace of mind. Make sure that the pool is always being supervised by an adult when it is being used.

1. Place Fencing Around the Pool

The first line of security around your pool is fencing. Make sure the fence you install is high enough that it cannot be easily climbed over and that you have a lockable gate. Self-closing/locking options are a great way to secure your pool and it’s always a good idea to check with your local municipality regarding pool perimeter requirements. Depending on the fencing you choose, it can also keep prying eyes out of your pool area.

2. Use Motion-Sensing Security Lights

Motion lighting can draw attention if there is movement in your pool area at night when it’s closed. It can also scare away a person or animal who’s trying to get in when you aren’t supervising it. There are many options at varying price points to help illuminate your pool at night.

3. Secure Cover

Your pool should be covered whenever it is not in use. Look for covers that can support the weight of an adult and are American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) approved. These can be costly, but will greatly improve the safety of your pool since they are tested to keep children out. Pool nets are also an option that are a little more affordable but will still keep children out.

4. Video Surveillance

Video surveillance can be a wonderful tool for helping to secure your pool. With an outdoor video camera from Guardian, you can look at what’s going on in the pool from your internet-connected smartphone. Outdoor video surveillance along with monitored home security can give you whole-house peace of mind.

5. Door Sensor

If a door from your house opens to a pool deck, you can also use an aspect of a home security system to help secure your pool make sure the door isn’t opened when you don’t know it. Install a sensor on that door and set-up alerts so that you are notified when the door is opened and closed. This will give you a good chance to catch a child before they get to the pool.

Guardian offers security solutions for many of the areas you may be concerned about in your home. You don’t have to be concerned about a potential burglary to install home security. Home security is also about other ways you can help keep your family safer.

Pay attention to your yard and keep it safe

One area you should pay extra attention to during the summer to help safeguard your home against burglars is your yard.

As you’re getting your lawn ready for summer, ask yourself these questions:

  • Do you have a spare key hiding under a rock?
  • Do you have a large amount of lawn furniture left out all summer long?
  • Do you sometimes leave tools/ ladders in the yard?
  • Do you have a weak/broken area in your fencing?
  • Do you have high shrubbery or hedges around your doors or windows?
  • Is your yard not visible from the road/ to neighbors?
  • Could someone access a window by climbing a tree or drainpipe?
  • Is your lawn poorly lit at night?
  • Do you have an unlocked shed or storage area in your lawn?
  • Do you leave bicycles unsecured in your yard?

If the answer to any of these questions is yes, there is room to improve your security. Here are a few tips to enhance the safety and security of your yard. Remember: It doesn’t have to be expensive or complicated to be effective.

  • Put ladders and tools away, they can be used by burglars in an attempted burglary.
  • Secure any outdoor valuables like grills or patio furniture.
  • If you have a fence, make sure it is sturdy and watch for any weaknesses or entry points. Keep in mind, privacy fences may provide a place to hide if a burglar can get in.
  • Keep your landscaping neat and trimmed so it does not provide an easy hiding place.
  • Don’t display evidence of big purchases- for example an HDTV box left with your garbage is a clue for burglars that you have nice, new technology in your home.
  • Keep your curtains drawn, especially when you are not home, so no one can see into your home.
  • Don’t leave your spare key outside in an easy-to-access place.
  • Stop hiding spare keys and instead invest in a smart lock. You can go keyless and even give temporary codes to others who need to get in.
  • Secure your lawn furniture and/or put it away when you’re gone for vacation. A burglar can use this furniture to help them get in the house. Also anything unsecured has the potential to be taken right from your porch or deck if it’s light enough.
  • Always put your tools and ladders away. They too could be used to help someone break in or could be stolen.
  • Repair or replace weak or broken fencing to prevent it from being an access point for burglars and to send a sign that you aret paying close attention to your yard.
  • Keep shrubbery/hedges low around your doors and windows. High shrubbery or hedges make it easy for burglars to hide when they’re trying to get in. Burglars will have less concerns about getting caught if they can easily hide from neighbors. Improve the visibility you have into your yard by installing some outdoor surveillance cameras so that burglars know they are being “watched.” Other indications of a security system can be useful, as well, including window stickers and yard signs. All of these help to counter the  impact of a high fence or the vulnerability of a rural location.

Make sure you have a good security system that’s monitored while you’re away.

Hands down, a professionally monitored home security system is the number one way to deter intruders and help protect your home from break-ins. Here’s just a few things a fully-integrated smart home security solution can bring to table:

  • Major deterrent. Home Security- Plus, a visible yard sign may act as a deterrent.
  • 24/7 professional monitoring. If a potential burglar gets up to your home and attempts to enter, an armed, monitored security system will alarm and notify the monitoring center.
  • Motion detecting lights- these will draw attention if anyone enters your yard and may scare off a potential burglar.
  • Video surveillance. Well-positioned exterior cameras can give you a way to check on things from your internet-connected smartphone; they also send a message to would-be vandals that you are watching.
  • Mobile access. Anytime, anywhere access from your smartphone.

Get the care-free summer you deserve with professionally monitored smart home security

After more than a year in lockdown, we all deserve the summer to end all summers this year — and you can still have one, as long as you take the necessary steps to protect your home and family.

The post Crime in the Summertime: Tips to Help Protect Your Home and Family appeared first on Guardian Protection Website.


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