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Environmental Monitoring and Life Safety: Home Security Isnt Just for Break-ins

When you hear a security company talk about “professional monitoring,” you might immediately think about burglary and intrusion protection. Makes sense, because professional monitoring is the best way to deter intruders and help protect your home from break-ins. In fact, a study conducted by The University of North Carolina at Charlotte Department of Criminal Justice & Criminology revealed 60% of burglars would change their mind if they see an alarm system is installed.

But professional monitoring is really about keeping you safe overall, and helping protect what matters most. It can be used to help protect against a variety of common homeowner concerns — ones that are potentially lethal, and ones that can lead to devastating property damage. For example, did you know that your home can also be monitored for environmental threats, such as fire, carbon monoxide, and water leaks?

When combined with security monitoring, life safety and environmental monitoring takes your home’s safety to another level. And with Guardian, there is no additional charge for environmental monitoring services; it’s included in your monthly cost. All you need to do is add the equipment. Let’s talk about a few important life safety and environmental monitoring alarms every household should add to a security system.

Monitored Fire Alarm Systems

More than three out of every five home fire deaths happen in homes that do not have smoke alarms, or the smoke alarms aren’t working. That’s why working smoke alarms are so important — when you have working smoke alarms in your home, it cuts your risk of dying in a home fire in half! 

Get Guardian’s fire safety guide

Monitored smoke detectors are connected to a central station who can notify the fire department whether your system is armed or not, whether you are sound asleep or away from home. This approach (monitored versus non-monitored) is by far the best approach to help protect your home. After all, if a fire is detected when no one is home, who will call for help?

Guardian’s monitored combination smoke and heat detectors use photoelectric technology, which detects abnormal levels of smoke caused by slow smoldering fires. This type of tech is particularly effective at identifying abnormally high levels of smoke associated with even small, smoldering fires — before they get out of control. Not only can this help to protect your property, it can help to alert you and your loved ones to the potential danger associated with smoke inhalation.

Learn more about monitored fire alarm systems.

Monitored Carbon Monoxide Detectors

A monitored carbon monoxide detector not only gives you early warning of abnormally high amounts of carbon monoxide gas but also alerts the monitoring center who can notify emergency assistance. You can also get a text notification that the detector has gone off, so you’ll know about it whether you are at home or not.  This can be particularly important when you and your family are sleeping. Carbon monoxide poisoning is very dangerous so the advanced awareness could make a huge difference.

Monitored water and flood sensors

Water damage caused by flooding and leaks can be devastating to your home — to the tune of $25,000 for just 1 inch of water. Monitored water sensors detect the presence of water in your home, and help alerts you to potential flooding before extensive damage occurs. These relatively inexpensive devices are perfect for tucked away areas of your home prone to flooding, like the basement or under a sink.

When a water sensor is connected to your professionally monitored security system, it can also signal an alarm to your company’s monitoring center and send you a notification via text or email.

Learn more about home water detectors.

Room temperature sensors and smart thermostats

Temperature monitoring an often-overlooked part of a whole-home security solution. But if you’re looking for that just-right temperature at home, they’re essential — especially when paired with smart thermostats. These two form the ultimate home comfort power couple, giving you control over your home’s heating, cooling, and general energy management.

Room temperature sensors let you decide what temperatures are too high and too low, and create unique heating and cooling schedules by measuring the average temperature of multiple rooms. Discover unwanted swings in temperature before there’s a bigger problem. And the best part? You can get get alerts when something is off!

Learn how to save energy with a smart thermostat.

Medical alert devices

When there is a medical emergency at home, the ability to get help quickly is crucial. Seconds count. In the case of a cardiac arrest, for every minute that passes without CPR and defibrillation, the chances of survival decreases by seven to 10 percent — plus, 75% of cardiac arrests occur at home.  

Medical alert pendants can provide peace of mind for anyone who is elderly, lives alone, or has health or mobility issues. A medical pendant is a wearable device that can send an emergency signal at the push of a button. If there is an emergency, all you have to do is press and hold the panic button to send an emergency signal to the monitoring center. The monitoring team can alert authorities that help is needed.

Keep in mind, these devices only work when you are inside your home or very close to it. Learn more about home medical alert devices.  

Improve safety and comfort at home with environmental and life safety devices

Fire, carbon monoxide and temperature monitoring help you keep your environment monitored so that your house is as safe as it can be. With Guardian’s U.S.-based, U.L. certified monitoring centers, you can feel confident in knowing that whether you’re home or not, we’ll respond to any alerts from your environmental detectors and sensors.

Learn more about what makes our monitoring center unique.

The post Environmental Monitoring and Life Safety: Home Security Isn’t Just for Break-ins appeared first on Guardian Protection Website.


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