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Direct Mail Marketing For Mortgage Brokers and Companies

Direct Mail Marketing For Mortgage Brokers and Companies

The housing market in the US is one that never ceases to grow; even if there are stagnations along the way, the housing market somehow still manages to bounce back up. Even according to recent predictions, the housing market is bound to keep growing through the years to come, and this implies that more and more people will be actively looking for mortgages. Furthermore, the soaring housing market also means that homeowners, landlords, and property owners will be more likely on the lookout for refinancing opportunities.

direct mail for mortgage brokers

So what does this mean for mortgage companies in the US, and how can they make the most out of it? Well, for starters, mortgage companies are now looking at an immense opportunity, and the odds of taking on more clients have never been higher. So, now that we know for a fact that the time is ripe for mortgage companies to push for new territories, it’s only a question of how. Direct mail has always been the go-to strategy for mortgage brokers and companies when it comes to capturing the market. Direct mail is the perfect fit for mortgage business marketing because of its tremendous reliability to deliver.

This article discusses direct mail marketing for mortgage brokers and companies, the most effective and time-tested marketing strategy for mortgage brokers/companies. Furthermore, we also discuss how the age-old direct mail has evolved over the years and how the new, technology-driven direct mail system can benefit your mortgage business. To better understand the effects of direct mail marketing, we further discuss the data-driven approach you should adopt to ensure the best result from your marketing campaigns.

Direct Mail Marketing For Mortgage Brokers

Direct mail marketing for mortgage brokers/companies has been around for ages. Although many conventional marketing methods have since been replaced with a better digital version, direct mail remains one of the most popular choices as the marketing medium for mortgage brokers/companies. One of the crucial reasons why direct mail marketing is still able to be relevant in the digitally dominated society of today is its reliability.

Regardless of whether your mortgage business is targeting an individual or an organization, they are bound to have a physical mailbox or at least a PO Box address. At least some of you are now wondering, “But, how is that in any way different from having their email addresses?” The answer, however, is quite simple, your email or text inbox is probably already overflowing with unread marketing messages that you have been ignoring since the beginning of time itself.

Direct mail, on the other hand, is a sure-shot way of getting the message across to your target audience so long as you have accurate or verified postal addresses. Furthermore, direct mails are rarely ignored like a digital message, and the customer is bound to open it if for nothing but simple curiosity. The fact that direct mail has the potential of reaching the target audience more efficiently than any other online channel automatically puts it on top of the list of marketing strategies for mortgage brokers/companies.

By the end of the day, direct mail does the work of a door-to-door salesperson, which saves you valuable time and effort that can now be put into the more pressing tasks in hand. But you’d be wrong if that’s the only reason why companies and even enterprises opt for direct mail marketing. Below, we discuss the benefits of using mortgage direct mail marketing and shed light on the factors which make direct mortgage mail the ideal strategy your mortgage business needs to adopt.

Benefits of Using Mortgage Direct Mail Marketing

We have already discussed some of the highlights of direct mail marketing and how they can positively affect your mortgage business. Direct mail marketing, especially one that employs the latest smart solutions, is capable of doing more than just being a reliable way of reaching your target audience. Below we take through some of the benefits that you can access through a modern-day direct mail marketing campaign.

Accurately Target Your Audience

Accurate targeting is one of the salient features of mortgage direct mail marketing. The thing about direct mail is that it is targeted at each individual or organization, and this demands a certain amount of personalization of the mails. This personalization when combined with direct mail which can be a brochure, or postcard, or something else for that matter.

Personalization helps to establish a connection with your potential clients. Furthermore, direct mails allow you to customize its content at an incredible level, and if done right, the content can decide the fate of your campaign. You should also make use of attractive call-to-action that gives the receiver the final push they need for conversion.

Direct Mails Are Trackable

We no longer live in a world where you send out a direct mail as part of your marketing efforts and pray everything goes well. Today, direct mail marketing is not just a piece of paper sent to the target audience. Thanks to the technological advances we have made over the years, even direct mails are easily trackable. All you need to do is include a QR code or a unique personalized URL inside your direct mail.

This allows you to track down the exact figure of the people who have responded to the campaign and also find the same for the ones who didn’t. In the past, there was no effective way of tracking the direct mails, but thanks to the advanced capabilities we have today, not only can we track it but also formulate better strategies based on the data analysis.

Highly Economical in Nature

Although direct mail may seem expensive at a glance considering the raw materials required for it, such as papers, envelopes, ink for printing, and finally, the postage stamp, the truth is that direct mail has a much higher ROI or Return On Investment than many of the other popular marketing solutions carried out via digital channels.

Furthermore, mortgage direct mail letters come with a variety of options, including saturation bulk mail and targeted mailings that use specific lists, which effectively allow you to maximize the marketing budget of your mortgage company. You can also make use of advanced address verification tools like PostGrid to minimize wastage and avoid return mails.

Encourage Brand Building

One of the most enticing aspects of mortgage direct mail marketing is that it can contribute to the growth of your brand and establish an image for your company. When it comes to the capability to build brand recognition and the direct mail is naturally equipped with this capability. There is a fair chance that many of your mortgage company’s prospective clients may not need your service immediately but it’s highly likely for them to need the service later on in the future.

For this tactic to work, not only do you need to send them a mortgage, direct mail letters consistently, but also make sure that each postal mail you send and landing pages you build for these campaigns all align well with your brand. Even using the relevant color palette can appeal to the client’s subconscious mind and effectively have a positive impact on them through each mail you send out.

direct mail operations

Types of Mortgage Direct Mails Letters

Any form of marketing materials sent directly to your target audience via the USPS is broadly termed as mailers. However, there is more than one type of mailer that you can send out to your target audience to get the best possible result for your campaign. The different types of mailers are used for unique situations and purposes that further help you cement yourself as a reliable brand and help you boost conversions. Below we take a look at some of the major mailers used by mortgage companies in the US.


Brochures are one of the most commonly used mailers in direct mail campaigns. Brochures usually come in two sizes, one is a standard size, and the other is extremely large. Brochures are always interesting to look at, and you can be sure that the target audience you sent these brochures to will at least glance through them.

If you have a good enough value proposition, an attractive CTA, and a customer who is looking for a mortgage service, you can make an easy conversion with a simple brochure. Furthermore, the brochures can be used to highlight your entire mortgage business or showcase unique aspects or even special offers you are giving your clients.


In many ways, flyers are very similar to brochures, they have similar dimensions and both of them can be delivered as standalone items via postal mail. They are an excellent choice if your aim is to create a sudden yet bold impact on the target audience. Therefore, most companies, including mortgage businesses, opt for flyers whenever they wish to get an immediate response from the target audience.

Apart from this, the flyers are also excellent when it comes to informing your existing customers of changes in mortgage rates, or for presenting them with mortgage financing opportunities and events. Similarly, the flyers can be used for conveying pretty much any pertinent items to the target audience.


Postcards are an important part of any direct mail campaign despite the fact that they are often small and can not convey big ideas simply because the canvas isn’t big enough. But the truth is that the true purpose of postcards is not merely conversion but establishing an emotional connection with your prospective clients. Furthermore, the postcards also come in different sizes that you can use depending on your unique business requirements.

Oversized Postcard

With a dimension of 5.5″×10.5″, these postcards are larger than regular postcards, which you can pretty much guess from the name. The size of the postcard gives you the freedom and space you need to introduce yourself to the prospective client and to talk about the unique services your business has to offer.

Jumbo Postcard

Jumbo postcards are even bigger than oversized postcards with a dimension of 8.5″×10.5″, and it is highly unlikely that you will miss them. The sheer size of it allows you to add more content into it, including images or even infographics if it suits you. However, it is also important that you don’t put too much information into the postcard to the point that it is overwhelming to the reader.

Seasonal & Celebratory Postcards

As we have mentioned, postcards are more than just a means of improving your conversion rates. They are an effective tool for establishing a warm relationship between your mortgage business and its clients. Sending postcards during the holidays or your client’s birthday shows that you think about your clients, and you’d be surprised at the feedback you get for such a small gesture.


Direct mail marketing is, without question, one of the most promising marketing strategies best suited for mortgage brokers and companies. Direct mails are a sure-shot way of establishing contact with your target audience so long as you have access to their verified address. The easiest way to ensure the maximum efficiency of your mortgage direct mail marketing is to use an advanced address verification tool like PostGrid.

With advanced tools like PostGrid, you get access to not just USPS’s official address database for verifying your address database but also to advanced analytics. These capabilities enable you to customize your direct mail campaign to run at its optimal condition. Furthermore, with the help of an advanced tool like PostGrid, you can easily automate the entire direct mail process to save valuable time and effort.

automate direct mail

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