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Outpatient Drug Rehab San Antonio Outpatient Drug Rehab San Antonio A...

Outpatient Drug Rehab San Antonio

Outpatient Drug Rehab San Antonio

At Blue Heron Recovery, we have various rehab solutions to help you. One of the standard options for many people is the outpatient plan, and it is preferred for many reasons. Outpatient therapy offers a weekly individual session and provides ongoing enrichment opportunities such as community events, family meetings, recovery meetings, and use of the clubhouse. This level of care is typically attended for six months duration. If you are a busy person, our outpatient drug rehab San Antonio is an excellent option for you. It will offer a similar level of assistance while you get the chance to take care of other issues that matter to you. Call us on (210) 588-0508 now.

Blue Heron Recovery
2015 NE Interstate 410 Loop Suite 7, San Antonio, TX 782177
(210) 588-0508
Hours: Monday-Saturday 8am-9pm

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