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Senna CBD Oil and Collagen: Must Haves for Top Athletic Performance

CBD Oil and Collagen for Athletic Recovery

Recovery is one of the most important factors in developing excellence as an athlete. Even the strongest athletes know that without recovery days, strength and endurance is lost. Rest between intense workouts is necessary to rebuild from the wear and tear on the muscles and joints. Many athletes incorporate techniques such as massage and therapies to speed up recovery times. To manage soreness and to support their bones and joints, athletes have discovered that supplements such as collagen and CBD oil are highly effective.

Why is Recovery Necessary After Intensive Workouts?

In a successful training program, discomfort is normal as the body works to endure higher than normal stress. Soreness and fatigue are to be expected when pushing for greater athletic performance. The bones, joints, and muscles respond to heavy physical training in different ways:

  • Bone Stress — The same resistance training activities that are used to build muscle also have bone-building capacity. Weight-bearing exercises can increase bone strength. Working out helps to develop bone density, a crucial factor for athletes wishing to avoid fractures during physical drilling.
  • Joint Trouble — A common complaint among athletes is achiness in the joints that sometimes does not go away. A heavy fitness regime is hard on the cartilage and connective tissues. Training too long without time for recuperation is a leading cause, and the other is failing to take in adequate nutrients.
  • Muscle Pain — During exercise, muscles are contracted in ways they are not accustomed to. This causes microscopic tears in the muscle fiber and in the tissues that connect muscle to bone. During the workout, it may not be felt at all, but later during the repair process pain, swelling, stiffness, and inflammation are common experiences.

Most athletes shy away from over-the-counters to manage the pain and stress caused by the harsh conditioning they endure, preferring alternatives that come without unwanted side effects.

How Does Collagen Benefit Athletes?

The most abundant protein in the body is collagen, making up about one-third of its total protein. It is a primary building block for bones, cartilage, skin, muscles, tendons, and ligaments. At the age of 20, collagen production in the body begins to reduce by 1 percent each year.

Our diets do not always provide enough of the right nutrients for the body to produce all the collagen it needs. Certain conditions destroy collagen, such as eating too much sugar and refined carbs, excessive exposure to ultraviolet rays (sunshine) and smoking. Autoimmune disorders such as lupus can damage collagen. Avoiding these behaviors is important for athletes. Taking collagen supplements can help reduce the risk of long-term damage caused by intense workouts:

  • Bone Health — For strong, dense bone matter need sufficient calcium and vitamin D is required. Plenty of collagen is need for the flexibility it gives the bone to prevent fractures and breaks. It represents 90 percent of the total organic mass in the bones. Collagen peptides boost calcium absorption. This improves the mineral density in the bones, keeping them strong, and it helps to prevent bone loss in the first place.
  • Joint Health — The rubbery material in our joints called cartilage covers the ends of the bones like a cushion. Over time, repeated movement, such as takes place during exercise can cause the cartilage to wear off. The ligaments and tendons stretch painfully. The exposed bones rub together, escalating the pain to the point of agony. Taking collagen supplements helps to reduce the deterioration of the cartilage and encourages the body to produce more collagen for cushioning in the joints.
  • Muscle Health — During and after intense periods of exercise, protein loss occurs in the muscles. During exercise, the synthesis of protein in the muscles drops and increases afterward in the recovery period. The high amino content of collagen makes it especially useful for muscle tissue for repairing the microscopic tears. It helps by speeding up the recovery time for overworked muscled after an exercise session.

Athletes and CBD Oil

Collagen supplements are great for restoring the bone, joint, and muscle tissues after athletic workouts, but it does not address the soreness and inflammation — byproducts of pushing beyond levels of physical comfort and endurance. For many athletes, the anti-inflammatory property in CBD oil is a welcome solution. CBD (cannabidiol) is the ingredient in the hemp plant that provides relief and benefits without the mind-altering effect. This is ideal for athletes who want to reduce the discomfort without reliance over-the-counter medications.

How Does CBD Oil Provide Recovery?

CBD works with the system in the body involved in regulating inflammation — the endocannabinoid system. Essentially, CBD binds with the receptors on cells to support the body’s response to injury. The body treats the wear and tear caused by workouts as an injury and triggers the pain response. It provides relief without the adverse effects that could affect athletic performance.

A level of stress and soreness indicates progress to athletes, but it can be made manageable with natural solutions such as collagen and CBD oil.

Overall Health Influences Athletic Performance

Consistent long-term drilling and practice are crucial for an athlete to build the strength and endurance needed to succeed. The more practice sessions, the better. That is why quick recovery times are so important, as is great overall health. Collagen and CBD oil play important roles in both areas. Collagen provides the building blocks required for the proteins used in most of bodily functions. CBD oil promotes self-assurance, vitality, and the ability to manage pain well. Together, they benefit athletes with the physical and mental support that leads to great achievements.

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