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Reasons Why Your Garage Door Wont Close | Garage Door

Our garage doors are what protect us from the cold, winter weather, and criminals. So when our garage door doesn’t close all the way, it can be a huge inconvenience, even dangerous.

It can be quite frustrating when your garage door doesn’t close all the way. This problem can be caused by a variety of issues, some of which are complicated and difficult to diagnose. In this blog post, we’ll explain some of the reasons why your garage door might not be closing all the way.

Reasons For Your Garage Door Not Closing All The Way

Garage doors are made up of different moving parts that all have to work together in order for the door to close. If one of these parts is not functioning correctly, it can cause a garage door to stop short or even open back up. There are a few different reasons why your garage door might not be closing all the way.

Here are Some of the Reasons a Garage Door Won’t Shut Close:

The Photoelectric Eyes Aren’t Aligned or Aren’t Working

One of the most common reasons your garage door won’t close all the way is because the photoelectric eyes, which are those little black boxes on each side of the door, aren’t aligned properly. If they’re not lined up correctly, the door can’t sense that it’s fully closed and will remain open. You can try to realign them yourself by adjusting the screws on the side of the box, but calling a professional to do it is a better idea.

The Rollers or Wheels Are Dirty or Damaged

If your garage door opener is relatively new, it might be that the rollers or wheels are dirty or damaged and need to be replaced. This is an easy fix and can usually be done by the homeowner without too much trouble.

The Sensor on the Opener is Dirty

If the sensor is dirty, it won’t be able to sense whether or not the door is fully closed. This can usually be fixed by spraying it down with a hose and wiping it clean.

The Torsion Springs Are Broken

If one or both of your torsion springs are broken, then the garage door opener will have a harder time lifting the door. This will require the services of a professional garage door technician.

The Tracks Are Dirty

If the tracks on your garage door are dirty, it can cause them to become misaligned and will prevent the door from closing all the way. This can be fixed by simply cleaning them with a broom or vacuum cleaner.

The Track Is Bent or Out of Alignment

If the track is bent or out of alignment, it might not be able to lift the door all the way up. This can usually be fixed by a professional technician.

There’s Too Much Weight on the Door

If there is too much weight on the door, it will be a problem and prevent it from closing all the way. This might be due to a number of things such as a large amount of snow or ice on the roof, something blocking the path of the garage door or even an improperly balanced garage door.

The Transmitter Battery is Dead

If the transmitter battery is dead, it won’t be able to send a signal to the garage door to open or close. This can usually be fixed by replacing the battery in the transmitter.

The Transmitter is Not Working Properly

If the transmitters are not working properly, they won’t be able to send a signal to the garage door to open or close. This can usually be fixed by replacing the transmitters or looking for possible damage and calling a professional.

The Disconnection Switch is Enabled

The garage door has a disconnection switch that will automatically disable the door if there is a power outage. This can usually be fixed by disabling the disconnection switch.

There’s Something Jammed in the Tracks

If there’s something jammed in the tracks, it will prevent the garage door from closing all the way. This can usually be fixed by clearing the obstruction from the tracks.

What To Do If The Door Isn’t Working

Assess the Problem of the Door

If you face any issue with your garage door, the first step is to assess the problem. Once you identify the issue, it will be easier for you to find a solution.

Check The Power Supply

The most common reason for a garage door not closing all the way is a lack of power supply. To check if this is the case, look at your circuit breaker panel. If the breaker for your garage is off, turn it on and try to close the door again.

Performing a Safety Box or Board Test

A safety feature is built into every garage door. If there is a problem with the opener, it will prevent the door from closing all the way. If you suspect something is wrong with the system, you can test it by performing a safety box or board test. Adjust the limit on the garage door and put a box under it. If the garage door closes on the box, it means that the safety system is working properly.

If you have a wooden board, hold it in front of the sensor on the floor and close the door. If the door stops when it hits the board, then you know that there is something wrong with either the sensor or wiring.

Call a Professional Garage Door Service

If you’ve tried all of the above and your garage door still isn’t closing all the way, it’s time to call in a garage door repair expert. They will be able to determine the cause of the problem and fix it.


Garage doors are one of those things that we tend to take for granted until they don’t work properly. If your garage door isn’t closing all the way, don’t panic – there are a few things you can do to try and fix it yourself. If those don’t work, then it’s time to call in a professional to know if it should be repaired or replaced.

The post Reasons Why Your Garage Door Won’t Close | Garage Door appeared first on Garage Door Repair San Antonio.

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