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Lawyers Dont Use ChatGPT Content on Your Website

As an attorney, having a well-designed and optimized website is critical to help you attract potential new clients and SEO can be an integral part of building a successful law practice. While many tools are available to help improve the performance and rankings of your website, we don’t recommend using unedited text from Chat GPT on your site.  In this article, I’ll explain why we don’t use ChatGPT to produce text for client sites and discuss the potential risks and consequences of using raw artificial intelligence (AI) text on your law practice’s website. 

What is ChatGPT?

ChatGPT is a natural language processing (NLP) tool that uses AI to generate human-like text. It works by analyzing a lot of data, then uses Artificial Intelligence to identify the patterns and relationships between words and phrases. Based on this analysis, ChatGPT can then generate new text that is similar in style and content to the inputs.

While ChatGPT can be useful for tasks such as generating content for chatbots or writing summaries for social media, it has limitations. It is critical that you do not use raw ChatGPT content on your website. When I say “raw content,” I’m describing content straight out of the tool – without major edits and rewrites. If you are working with a marketing agency, it is important that you make your wishes clear – many agencies have switched to ChatGPT to generate all their content. At BSP Legal Marketing, we understand that faster and cheaper does not mean better – therefore we produce our client content by hand, the old-fashioned way.  

Why BSP Legal Marketing Doesn’t Use ChatGPT On Client Sites

There are several reasons why we don’t use ChatGPT on client sites, including the following:

Risk of Penalties from Google

One of the main reasons why we don’t use ChatGPT on client sites is the risk of penalties from Google. Google has strict guidelines for website content and considers the use of AI to generate text a violation of these guidelines. If Google detects that your website is using AI to generate content, it may penalize your website by tanking its ranking or even removing the site from the search index entirely (called de-indexing). This can have a significant impact on your law practice’s online visibility and the ability of potential clients to find you online.  

But how would google know this is AI content? Google knows. There are several third-party software that can identify AI content online (for instance, Google has access to far more sophisticated tools and can spot fakes. While the AI content may sound like human-generated content to you and me, it is much harder to fool another AI.  

Quality of the Content

Another reason why we don’t use ChatGPT on client sites is the quality of the generated content. While ChatGPT can generate text that is similar in style and content to the input dataset, it may not always produce legally correct content. This can be a problem for a law practice’s website, as the content on your website is a key factor in establishing your credibility and trustworthiness as a legal professional. If the content on your website contains inaccuracies, it may turn off potential clients and damage your reputation.  

Lack of Control Over Content

Using ChatGPT to generate content for your website also means that you have less control over that content. While you can provide ChatGPT with an input dataset and specific prompts or themes to guide the content generation, you cannot control the exact words and phrases that ChatGPT uses in its output. This can lead to content that is not aligned with your brand voice or messaging, which can be confusing or misleading to potential clients. Of course, you can rewrite the content to ensure it is written in your voice – and that may be a good solution. This is why I refer to not using raw ChatGPT content. Using the text it gives as a start off point may be fine in many situations. 

Ethical Considerations

Using AI to generate content also raises ethical considerations, as it may be perceived as deceptive or misleading to potential clients. While ChatGPT is not capable of fully replicating human-written content, it can produce text that is similar enough to be mistaken for human-written content. This raises concerns about the transparency and honesty of your law practice’s website, as potential clients may not be aware that the content on your website was generated by an AI tool.  

Duplicate Content

Let’s say you are a DWI lawyer and you asked ChatGPT to create a DUI page. The page looks great, the content sounds legally correct and the voice sounds good enough. What happens if 10 of your competitors ask AI to create a DUI page in your state? The AI will provide very similar content based on the data sets it has already received, including the fact that you were satisfied with your page. Your content will be similar to those people – and instead of representing yourself online as an attorney with unique experience and a lifetime of successful wins you instantly become one in a crowd. Of course, Google also understands that your content is similar to 10 other lawyers, and chances are pretty good a properly sourced and cited human-written page will win out every time.


While ChatGPT is useful in a variety of ways, it would be a mistake to take the shortcut and simply copy and paste the text it gives you into your website. Yes, AI is amazing technology. Yes, it can be used in a variety of ways. But shortcuts rarely pay off in life – or in business. A little elbow grease can help you stand out from the crowd, and tell both Google and humans – we don’t take shortcuts in my practice. We will do the things we need to do to win your business and deliver real results – today and tomorrow.

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