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Standard post published to Wigod & Falzon P.C. at December 04 2021 17:00

Car Accident Lawyer in Southfield, Michigan

Have you been injured in a car accident? You may already know that Southfield, Michigan is one of the nation's most dangerous cities. However, did you also know how many car accidents occur there daily? You don't need to worry about that - Wigod & Falzon, P.C. fight hard to make sure that you receive total compensation for all damages associated with the collision, including pain and suffering, medical expenses, lost wages, and emotional trauma. If you've just been injured in a car accident, you must contact an experienced Southfield Car Accident Attorney as soon as possible. Your attorney will be able to advise you of your rights and can assist you with filing insurance claims, lawsuits, or both. Call us today to get started on your case.

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