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Standard post published to Fairfax Paving Pros at October 06 2021 16:01

asphalt driveway, Fairfax

Asphalt is a great and attractive choice for driveways. With the low cost and how easy it is to install, asphalt can be a great choice. It does however come with some drawbacks. For one, asphalt needs to be installed perfectly flat, or else you'll get cracks from the traffic on it. If you have an uneven driveway, this means you should either get it repaired or use another material other than asphalt. Asphalt is still the most popular choice of the driveway, even with all its downsides. The reason why people choose asphalt is because of how easy it is to install and the low cost associated with this option. A poured concrete driveway can be more cost-effective than an asphalt one (depending on who you ask), but the amount of work required for installation may outweigh any price savings. All in all, if you want an easy job that has a great look for your home, then asphalt may be just what you're looking for!

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