Standard post published to Crescent Moon Recovery of Newport Beach at October 26 2021 19:00

Meth Detox Newport Beach

Methamphetamine, or meth as it is commonly known, is a highly addictive stimulant drug that affects the central nervous system. It can be ingested orally through swallowing, snorting, or injecting. Meth boosts physical activity and mental alertness by triggering an excessive release of neurotransmitters called dopamine into the synaptic cleft that exists between neurons. Restrictions of neurotransmitters result in disturbances in bodily processes like sleeping cycles and metabolism. Meth detoxification is needed to allow the body to heal itself after prolonged physical addiction caused by meth abuse. People who use methamphetamine over a long period of time develop extreme tolerance to its effects. Because of this, they increase their dosage size which causes them to become addicted quickly.


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