Standard post published to Physical Therapy Group of Florida & Cryohealth at December 10 2021 17:01

Physical Therapy for Sciatica in Fort Lauderdale, Florida

Sciatica can cause pain, numbness and tingling in the legs. You can get sciatica from a herniated disc, bone spur pressing on the nerve root or pregnancy. Other causes include pregnancy and spinal stenosis. While sciatica will disappear as soon as the underlying cause is resolved, it can persist for many months or even years for some. Physical therapy for sciatica Fort Lauderdale, FL can speed up the recovery process and help you get back to your normal life. People with persistent sciatica may also benefit from the expertise of physical therapists. They are skilled in treating chronic low back pain. They are able to reduce pain, improve mobility, and restore normal function. Some people can heal their sciatica in days or weeks, while others may experience worsening over time.


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