Standard post published to Physical Therapy Group of Florida & Cryohealth - Fort Lauderdale at November 19 2021 17:00

Manual Therapy in Fort Lauderdale, Florida

The physical therapist will order certain diagnostic tests so he/she knows exactly what needs to be done to cure the patient's physical problem. Once the physical therapist finds out what is wrong with the body, they will prescribe exercises or actions that need to be done at home or in some rehabilitation centers in order to help them recover from physical fitness issues. All these planned exercises and healthy activities included in physical therapy plans along with physical therapy in Fort Lauderdale, Florida are based on the physical therapists' assessment and findings. The physical therapist chooses the physical therapy methods that best suit their patient depending upon age, fitness level, and physical condition. Physical therapists prescribe things like yoga, pilates, weight training routines (for both building muscle and endurance), etc.



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