Standard post published to Anchor Physical Therapy - Broomfield at October 25 2021 18:00

Rotator cuff physical therapy in Broomfield, Colorado

Physical therapists are experts in the diagnosis and treatment of physical injuries. Physical therapists discuss all potential treatment options with their patients before deciding how to go about treating them. Rotator cuff physical therapy is one of the most common treatments physical therapists provide at physical therapy in Broomfield, Colorado. As physical therapists in Broomfield perform physical therapy for rotator cuff injuries, physical therapists may use various techniques to help relieve pain and promote movement. The physical therapist will let the patient know what type of exercises they should be doing to help their recovery. They also have other patients that have injured their rotator cuffs attempt some of the same activities as those receiving physical therapy so that they can determine if their technique is correct or not. Before physical therapy, for a rotator cuff injury begins, physical therapists must first conduct an evaluation that includes range-of-motion testing and manual muscle strength tests.


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