Standard post published to Anchor Physical Therapy - Broomfield at October 27 2021 18:00

Tennis elbow physical therapy in Broomfield, Colorado

Many people want to recover their lives after an injury or surgery but can’t do so because of the pain. Our mission is to treat our patients with the most up-to-date techniques and tools to get them back on track to recovery. We use manual techniques like hands-on mobilization and manipulation, as well as modalities like ultrasound, electrical stimulation (NMES), laser, interferential current (IFC), and traction to achieve results quickly in a safe environment; ultimately getting you back to doing the things you love. The physical therapy clinic offers one-on-one evaluation with therapists specializing in orthopedics, sports medicine, neurological conditions, vestibular dysfunction, pediatrics, and geriatric care. Our team works hand-in-hand with physicians to ensure that our patients are receiving the safest possible treatment plan customized just for them.


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