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Standard post published to EagleShield Pest Control of Fresno at December 31 2021 20:00

How to Find A Good Pest Control Company in Fresno, CA?

People object to chemicals being used, so it is essential to find a good pest control company that only uses natural products. A licensed and insured contractor will have the proper insurance in case of an accident. The company should also have a good reputation and provide references. Pest control companies are not all created equal, so it is essential to research before selecting one. Ask family and friends if they have any recommendations, or check online reviews. The Better Business Bureau (BBB) is an excellent resource to check the rating of a pest control company. You can also contact your local agricultural extension office for a referral. Once you've narrowed down your choices, take the time to interview each company. Ask them about their experience, what products they use, and how they treat the problem.

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