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Standard post published to Align Clinic Green Bay WI at November 24 2021 18:00

Pediatric Orthotics: Green Bay, Wisconsin

The Pediatric Orthotics in Green Bay, Wisconsin, can use orthotics devices that support the foot, ankle, and leg to help children who have walking problems. Pediatric orthotics can be used for various conditions, including flat feet, high arches, over-pronation, and functional issues such as "toeing in" or "toeing out.” If your child has any of these conditions, we may use our pediatric orthotics program to correct their walking difficulties.

Pediatric Orthotics in Green Bay, Wisconsin, helps improve a child's walk by supporting weak ankles. Pediatric Orthotics can be custom made from a mold using an impression taken from the affected area, such as joints in the leg. They may also include metal parts which allow them to have a longer life span. Most Pediatric Orthotics in Green Bay, Wisconsin, require a doctor's prescription. Pediatric Orthotics should not be confused with braces or splints because they do different things and body parts. Pediatric Orthotics should not be used as a preventative measure because it is best to fix problems early to avoid injury and other complications.

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