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Standard post published to Align Clinic Green Bay WI at November 25 2021 18:00

Prosthetics: Green Bay, Wisconsin

The Prosthetics: Green Bay, Wisconsin, comprises establishments primarily manufacturing artificial limbs and other medical and surgical prosthetic appliances and orthopedic braces. May provide Prosthetically related services as well. Prosthetic devices are used to replace parts of the body that have been lost or damaged due to congenital deficiencies, disease, accidents, or warfare.

Prosthetics is the discipline, art, and science of creating prostheses. Prostheses are artificial devices that substitute for missing body parts lost through trauma, disease, or congenital conditions. Prostheses address the physical challenges of a person's malformation - either by solving a mechanical problem or compensating for a deficiency. Traditionally made Prosthetic devices, one
at a time in the process of assembly from raw materials based on blueprints created by hand with the help of medical imaging data, such as an x-ray, CT scan, or MRI.

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