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Air Conveyance Systems is Pleased to Announce That Theyre Now Providing Complete Sales and Services for Their Air Density Separation Technology Throughout the United States

Air Conveyance Systems is pleased and excited to announce they will now be offering Complete Sales and Services for their elutriation, Air Density Separation, and bulk material handling technology throughout the United States.

Cayuga, ON – Air Conveyance Systems, the leading developer of air conveying and bulk material handling separation technology is pleased to announce they will now be providing complete sales and service for their line of bi-product material separation technology throughout the United States.

Peter Simpson, the owner and founder of Air Conveyance Systems, stated in a recent interview, “This was the clear next step in the company’s growth, we just needed the infrastructure in place to support all of our new clientele south of the border.” He continued, “We’re feeling more excited than ever before about the growth for the company. We’ve got the supply lines and the team in place to handle this huge growth opportunity, and we’re excited to get moving on helping our clients implement our elutriation and air conveyance technology.”

Air Conveyance Systems is a Canadian based developer and manufacturer of elutriation and air conveying technology. They are recognized for their patented Air Wash which is a powerful air density separation system. Air Conveyance Systems has assisted clients in a wide range of sectors helping them to improve their bi-product material handling and bulk material separation processes. Beyond their technology, products and parts, they also provide complete material processing consultative services in a wide variety of industries including recycling, automotive manufacturing, wood processing, textile recovery and agriculture with new industry applications continually being developed. 

For more information, visit Air Conveyance Systems

Contact Info:

Name: Peter Simpson
Company: Air Conveyance Systems
Address: 33 Maple Road, Cayuga, ON N0A 1E0
Phone: (289) 260-0773

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