Gather all information from clients and move the project forward Powered by AI tech

You don’t need to go back and forth searching for scattered information in emails and chats. Bring all people, processes and resources into one FuseBase system to ensure efficient decision-making and timely action.

Trusted by organizations around the world

95% of Client-Centred Businesses have these problems

Delays from Clients

You can’t move the project forward because you’re waiting for the client’s review or inputs

Scattered information

You need to review too many channels and tools to learn about updates and bottlenecks

Hard for Clients

Clients get tired and overwhelmed with new apps and channels. They need it to be easy

Make things easier for everyone

Seamless Team-Client Alignment

Keep your team and clients on the same page. You can make your latest updates available for your clients and team in one click. No more additional questions, everyone can find out all details in real time.

Time-saving notifications

Prepare the form your team and clients are to fill in. And click once to notify all. Your team and clients will get instant emails about it. Work faster and easier without any blockers.

Dead simple access

Your clients don’t need to sign up or learn another tool to work with you. For them, it will look like your website pages, but designed for a specific client only. They just need one link to enter it.

Professional appearance

Show what a professional you are. You can brand your working environment with your company colors and logo. Make Nimbus tools appear as a part of your website and build stronger relationships with your clients.

Save up to 40% of your productive time

Let FuseBase take care of your data collection hustle and free up your time!

Recognized with numerous awards

What else you can do with FuseBase

Build up one Central Hub

Use FuseBase as your work hub for:

  • All content: text, files, integrations and forms, organized in folders and workspaces
  • All people involved in the project, with specific roles and permissions for each
  • All communication: chats, comments and tracking can happen in the same tool

Use dashboards to track
the project

See on what stage are your teams, clients and projects:

  • Use tasks to organize the work
  • Track the progress in dashboards
  • See bottlenecks and improve your workflow

Discuss where the work happens

You don’t need another tool to discuss the project and get updates.

  • Use our chat: direct messages or channels
  • Comment on any content: text, images, tasks and more
  • Brainstorm together on one super page

Create flows for your Clients and Teams

Make it simple for clients to become part of your processes:

  • Send them a magic link to fill in a form or a client brief
  • Easily update your team with data from client
  • Save templates and client tutorials to scale the process.

Want to experience FuseBase right now?

Create your FuseBase account and start a free trial.
No hidden hooks guaranteed.

Get a Sneak Peek on Managing Your Projects

Watch how you can boost your results by setting workflow with Nimbus Platform

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