Notifications about changes on pages #
In Nimbus Note you can track all the changes that take place on the pages you are interested in. Moreover, you can receive email notifications when another project member edits your page or the page you are following.
Email notifications come after changes to the page. By clicking on the link in the email you can go to the page and see the changes.
How to enable email notification of changes to a page #
By default, the author of a page is subscribed to email notifications of changes. Also, we automatically enable email notifications for members who have made changes to the page at least once. If you are not an author and haven’t made any changes, you can enable email notifications manually through the page menu – Updates notifications –

How do I turn off email notifications? #
You can turn off email notifications for an individual page by toggling the Updates notifications option in the page menu to Off –

You can also disable email notifications for all pages. You can do this through the web client settings – Notifications – Allow updates notifications for pages –