Adding CTA to public pages using the service

Here we will show you how to add CTAs (Calls to Action) to your public pages with Sumo service. As an example, we are showing how to add a form for collecting emails using the service.

  • Open
  • Create a new account or log into an existing one.
  • Add a new website.
Adding CTA to public pages using the service
  • Enter your subdomain that you use in Nimbus Note and click on + Add site.
Enter your subdomain that you use in Nimbus Note and click on + Add site.
  • Copy the code that appears.
Copy the code that appears.
  • Go to your organization’s management console –
  • Call the menu of the desired workspace and select Custom HTML.
Call the menu of the desired workspace and select Custom HTML.
  • Click on Add HTML/JS.
Click on Add HTML/JS.
  • Paste the copied code to BODY block and save.
Paste the copied code to BODY block and save.
  • Return to and go to your site management settings (for this you need to click on your site in the list).
  • Click on Add form.
Click on Add form.
  • Customize the appearance of the form.
Customize the appearance of the form.
  • Click on Publish.
Click on Publish.
  • Open a public page from your workspace. The form should work and be visible!
Open a public page from your workspace. The form should work and be visible!

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