Work Smarter with Text, Tasks and Clients, Work with AI Powered by AI tech

Embrace AI powers in FuseBase.
Create and refine your content to deliver better and faster results to your clients

What FuseBase AI Is

Your Personal and Team Assistant

Team up with FuseBase to overview the context in seconds and plan your actions

Brainstorm Ideas

Generate suggestions for your future projects and get creative solutions to complicated tasks

Turn Discussions into Tasks

Analyze what you’ve discussed with your team and make further steps toward your goals

Read a Short Summary

Don’t waste time digging into the entire context. Get a short wrap-up of what your team and clients described

Get Personalized Recommendations

Receive answers based on your knowledge and expertise. Add all needed information to the page and get tailored suggestions

Your Round-the-Clock Writer

What took you hours to write and edit can now take you seconds to generate
Write Content From Scratch

Write Content From Scratch

From sales and follow-up emails to blog posts. Get any content in seconds based on your queries

Refine Your Writing

Refine Your Writing

Hit different clients and audiences by picking the right words. Edit, improve and adjust the tone to turn your text into a more appealing piece

Choose Your Detail Degree

Choose Your Detail Degree​

Add details or on the contrary, omit them. Choose your size to fit content to the desired format

Proofread the Text

Proofread the Text

Express your thoughts — FuseBase AI will take care of the details. Check grammar and spelling before sending pages to clients

Designed for Client-Oriented Businesses

Turn 30 minutes of work into just 30 seconds.
Fuel your collaboration and deliver exceptional results with AI

Digital Agencies

Develop strategies and drive your clients to success at lightning speed

Consulting Firms

Analyze your clients’ cases faster and suggest effective solutions

Individual Consultants and Coaches

Unlock the chance to take more clients. Deal with each request faster and more efficiently

Trusted by employees from:

Join 1,000,000+ remote teams and professionals who chose our collaboration software.

Get the freedom to work on more creative tasks while your
AI deals with tedious ones!

Transform your workflow today or book a demo to witness first how magic works!

Your Questions, Our Answers

Your journey with FuseBase AI can start in minutes.  Sign up for FuseBase and begin asking questions in your workspaces.
There are three ways to make AI magic work for you:
  1. Hit the button Ask AI at the top bar of your page
  2. Choose the Use FuseBase AI option in the object menu
  3. Highlight the text fragment and click Use AI in the appearing menu
You can test FuseBase AI first before purchasing a subscription. For this, you have 20 responses available.
Once you use them all, you’ll see a message asking you to choose one of the subscription types. Select one of them to enjoy FuseBase AI without further limits. Please note, you need to be an organization owner to purchase FuseBase AI for you and your members.
All your data is private and encrypted. We don’t have access to it.
Any data you provide us with will only be shared with our partners to give you responses to your queries. Your data also will not be used by FuseBase, any of our partners or other parties to develop their models or for any other reason.
Lots of AI assistants are appearing on the market. That’s true. But there are things that make FuseBase AI stand out from others.
Ask AI questions and save them right in your working hub. You don’t need to waste time on switching tabs and tools. Get responses and work further on them in one place.
Work with parts of the content. Pick only fragments of the text that need improvements, summary or explanations. What’s more, you can also create tasks based on the selected text.
Get personalized responses depending on your knowledge and expertise. Work with your information more efficiently. You can ask AI to give responses based on your research, insights and background knowledge. Just save them all on your page and AI will take that information into account.
Benefit from constant development and growth. Right now you can generate AI responses on your pages. However, we are working on expanding FuseBase AI capabilities. You will be able to get AI responses based on your knowledge stored in the whole workspace. This will help you provide high-quality services to your clients in less time.
English is the main language for the models. We support other languages too but we cannot guarantee the same quality in all languages and dialects. Please try some free responses in the desired languages before purchasing the subscription.

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