How to convert a video to MP4 or GIF?

Press Convert MP4 or GIF –

Press Convert MP4 or GIF -

Select the desired format and resolution of the future video –

Select the desired format and resolution of the future video -

Next, press Convert Video. Conversion can take a while and depends on the original video size. We strongly recommend AGAINST closing the page before the conversion is finished, as the video might be lost.

Why don’t I hear sound after converting into MP4? #

You can read more info here –

How to convert video to GIF? #

1) Open the page with the desired video.

2) Click on the Edit button to go to the video editor –

Click on the Edit button to go to the video editor

3) Click on Convert to MP4/GIF –

Click on Convert to MP4/GIF

4) Select GIF and desired frame rate (FPS) –

Select GIF and desired frame rate (FPS)

4) Click Start convert and wait for the video to finish converting –

Click Start convert and wait for the video to finish converting

5) Click Done to save the video –

Click Done to save the video

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