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New version of Nimbus Note for Windows (2015/02/27)

We are pleased to announce the release of a new version of Nimbus Note for Windows.

What changed:

  • Export/Backup all your notes to HTML;
  • You can save any note to HTML;
  • Import notes from HTML;
  • Possibility to copy a picture from a note to the clipboard;
  • Bug fix for when the program froze upon inserting pictures into notes;
  • Bug fix for when the program remained on startup list even after being removed from there;
  • Bug fix for when the program crashed when restarting the system;

We would like to distinguish the possibility of a fully exporting your notes to HTML. You can save all notes in HTML, including separate notes only.  The new version also allows importing notes from HTML files. Not only text is imported, images as well.

Download Nimbus Note for Windows – https://nimbusweb.me/note/

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