Product designer
I work with product development of new furniture. I need a place where I can gather all the information in a structured way, and easily access it on all my devices. Also wanted a place where I could do simple project management with to-do lists. I prefer folder structure over One Note and Ever Note structure methods. Nimbus note should be the one place I go to find/save important information. As it is now, I have information spread on paper and various programs.
I have only just started with Nimbus notes, but have a very positive expectation that it can meet the requirements I described in the previous point. It is an application I want/like to use, and love the clean web interface, and hope that the android interface will be in the same style in future updates.
I have already saved time by using Nimbus note, rather than looking for information in mails or folders on network drives. Cool to extract the important information from emails and put it in notes. I have quickly been able to find requirements for new products I need to develop and drawings of old furniture that need to be updated.
If you’ve got plenty of tasks, responsibilities, and events in one single day as well, it can help to use a planner to organize everything. Plan out your day so you don’t scramble to get everything done at the last minute with Today’s Plan Template.
VP Wireless Solutions
Technology & Strategic Project Manager
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