Create an organized team space in Nimbus Platform

Create dedicated workspaces — one for each project, team and client. This guide provides best practices and some examples which can help you create a single, organized place to store and manage the files for your team.

Figure out how your team works

Before you create any pages, it’s worthwhile to think about how you want to structure your team or organization. Nimbus Platform provides a highly flexible organized environment for most structures you can imagine.

Create multiple workspaces — one for each of your projects.


Keep project data separate — each workspace is entirely separate from other workspaces.


Easily maintain security and project focus — each workspace has its own users, content and permissions.


Keep order in each workspace — create folders and subfolders within each workspace.


Continuous team collaboration — teams can readily coordinate by accessing work items in a single, secure location.


Access workspaces from anywhere — desktop or directly at the Nimbus website.

By department

If each of your departments tend to lead its own projects — in contrast to company-wide programs — then it may be best to structure by department. Begin by creating a workspace for each department. Then, structure the workspace with folders and subfolders. The Marketing workspace could contain folders such as Admin, Ads, Budget and Logos. An Information Technology workspace might contain folders such as Applications, Hardware, Providers Network and Inventory.

By client

Client-based businesses such as consultancies, real estate brokers, and law firms would have a different structure. One workspace could contains all general purpose files for the team, and each of the other workspaces would correspond to each clients. To support specific projects for each client, various folders and subfolders can be created inside of each client workspace.

By project

Your business may have several revenue streams such as sales, support, and consulting. It may be sensible to create workspaces to represent revenue components.

Workspace management helps your project team maintain focus

Each workspace is entirely separate from all other workspaces. Each workspace has its own members and permissions. There are several types of workspaces.

Team workspaces

A team workspace is automatically shared with your whole team. You control who has view access or edit access and if the workspace is to be shared with people outside your team.

Limited workplaces

A limited workspace only contain specific members with specific permissions that you configure. You can invite specific people to a limited workspace. Only the people whom you designate can view or edit the content in this type of workspace.

Team member workspaces

Each team member has a private workspace, the content of which isn’t visible to other team members. This type of workspace has the name of the user.

Shared workspaces

A shared workspace allow teammates to share content with others that have membership to the same workspace. When inviting a user to a shared workspace, you can specify permissions for that user in that workspace. You can also establish a dedicated workspace for each user. A user may have different permission levels in different workspaces. For example, a user might be an admin in one workspace, yet have read-only permissions in another workspace.

See an example

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