
Golden rules for your mornings to achieve greater productivity and success

Morning is the day’s most important time that we must give our full attention to.  The way you begin your day, the kind of energy boost you get in the very first waking minutes will define how successful or useless your day is going to be. And since our life is made up of such days, morning rituals and routines suddenly appear in a whole new light.

Let’s begin by stating that an early morning and the moment the sun rises mark a very special period perfect for getting our juices flowing nice and proper for the whole day ahead. Most of us miss out on this opportunity spending the earliest hours in bed. But do try rising with the sun and you will see just how much that changes your perception of the world.

Here are some golden rules for your mornings

Make sure to wake up at a very specific time

Have you ever noticed how precise timing keeps you disciplined? By rounding up minutes we give ourselves a chance to relax while specific times like 8:55 or 10:05 keep us on our toes and ensure we do not miss a deadline. Setting your alarm clock to 5.55 rather than 6.00 is a lot more efficient, as our brain perceives time a bit differently.

Dedicate the first hour to things you never have enough time for

It often happens so that daily routine takes up more of our time than we’d like resulting in important but not too pressing tasks being delayed over and over. Try dedicating your first waking hour to those. It might be that you cannot get to read a book you need for self-improvement or work on your foreign language skills. Do this in the morning before your family members wake up, just before another hectic work day begins.

Revise and adjust your plans for the day

Keep in mind that you can only plan 9 tasks for the day maximum (three important and urgent, three important but not so urgent and three urgent but not so important ones). Revise your plan in the morning – it might need to be readjusted, this time with a clear head.

Meditate and search inside yourself instead of checking your phone

There is probably no need to remind anyone that it’s best to start your morning by communicating with yourself rather than the rest of the world. It’s the benefits of meditation vs. the harmfulness of gadgets. Starting your day with checking your e-mail and missed calls or messages is a toxic habit that can cancel out all your efforts to properly organize your morning time. Start your morning with a meditation, achieve harmony with the world and yourself, get answers to the questions you asked your subconscious in the evening, get charged with energy for the day to come.

Allow some time for self motivation

It’s important to dedicate time to yourself at the very beginning of every day, as this will affect your mindset for the next many hours. Some life coaches refer to this time as “time of prosperity and strength”. Thank yourself for being such a dedicated person, be grateful for having a wonderful family, amazing friends and a good job. Patting yourself on the back will help you aim for new achievements!

A morning workout is a must!

Even if you go to the gym regularly, a morning workout must still be a part of your day. You need physical exercise in the morning as your muscles, joints and blood vessels need to wake up and get ready for the day ahead. It does not matter which way you choose to tone your body – yoga, Tibetan hormonal gymnastics, a set of breathing exercises or the exercise routine we all know from kindergarten will all be great.

A proper morning begins with a proper breakfast.

Needless to say, we get our energy not only from space but food as well. For your day to be successful, you must nurture your body.  What kind of breakfast do you begin your day with? Maybe a cup of coffee and a sandwich? Or fried eggs with bacon? Or maybe you skip it altogether? None of the variants above describes a proper breakfast. You must begin your day with a healthy nutritious and balanced breakfast. Give preference to cereals – as porridge or muesli. Additionally, treat yourself to some fragrant tea or herbal infusion. Beats coffee across the board: tea invigorates just the same while being much healthier for you.

And there you go – simple morning rules to live by. At first sight they may seem very simple, and yet only a few will be able to follow them. Try following them daily, make a habit out of them and you will feel the world around you change. In reality, it will be you that’ll be changing, as well as your mental outlook and perception of the world around.

These recommendations are not something we came up with – these were shared by numerous famous people that achieved success in business, politics and social life. Their example is the best proof that following certain rules in the morning is key to prosperity and spiritual equilibrium.

Start every morning off on the right foot!

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