
How to survive until the vacation?

Once the slightest signs of spring become evident on the other side of the window, a timer is activated in our brain that starts counting down to the vacation we already planned. The spring drip-drop and the lively twitter of birds are keeping you in anticipation,  but you do need to work. So how to make it until the long awaited vacation without losing your mind? Here are some recommendations.

Rest whenever there’s a chance

Even if it seems impossible to postpone a meeting (or some work, or a deal), this perception turns out to be incorrect in most cases. By ignoring rest and working even during the weekends you are driving yourself into the state of chronic exhaustion. This is dangerous as you won’t be able to get out of it by just having a nice little vacation. Don’t make things worse and do make sure you get enough rest regularly.

Revise your daily schedule

As it gets warmer, you must revise the way your day is organized. Minimum or no time should be left to TV and computer work, with more time dedicated to walking outdoors, sleeping and eating right. Boost your immune system, energize body up after the winter hibernation, awaken it in the same way spring is the awakening of the nature. Sleeping well and sufficiently is a must – it’s the best way there is to stabilize your nervous system and boost the immunity.

Implement your ideas

You may have been putting something important (and not so much) away until it gets warm. Maybe you wanted to take up walking, jogging or exercising outdoors? Well now is the time to actively get ready for making it happen.

Make sure your work schedule is balanced

The most difficult and urgent tasks must be planned for the first half of the week. The same approach is right for the tasks to be handled within the day: the most difficult ones in the first half of the day, and the rest – after lunch. Make sure you allow some time for meditation during lunchtime. Not only will it let you restore your strength but also fill you with positive energy. A great way to meditate no matter where you are is the XXX app. Here you get eye relaxation and a relaxing session guided by a psychologist to help get you in the right mindset. Help yourself reboot, cleanse your mind and have a look inside yourself.

Keep your back straight

It’s been known for a long time that one of the reasons you feel so tired is improper blood flow and nerve strain. Just a few simple steps will help you improve your blood flow, while keeping your posture under a constant control will fill the lungs with plenty of oxygen and prevent pinched nerves. Add a smile to all of the above and you are guaranteed an inflow of positive energy and a boost of vigor.

Think about your loved ones

Thinking about the people we love always helps in difficult times. Don’t forget about those that care about you. A small thing on your desk can be a great source of positive energy and joy: your picture together celebrating some occasion, your son or daughter’s favorite toy, a handmade postcard…

Do think about vacations

That’s right. Do not force your brain to switch to something else and distract it from the pleasant thoughts about the vacation. Actively think about where you are going this time and what you are going to be doing. As a matter of fact, our live wallpaper with amazing views from around the planet will fill you with positive energy and allow you to travel for the few minutes you are free from work. Even though it will be a virtual travel.

By trying to follow these simple recommendations you will be able to come that much closer to your vacation. Most importantly, do not make the waiting a permanent feature of your actual life. Instead, learn to enjoy and savor every moment of your life without a single minute getting wasted.

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