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What’s New: See May and June 2024 FuseBase Updates

We’ve been hard at work on some major updates to elevate your client portal experience. Get ready to discover a host of new features and improvements that will streamline your workflows and empower your clients like never before.

Major FuseBase Updates

Over the past two months, we’ve rolled out a series of powerful updates designed to boost your productivity, enhance your client relationships, and take your portals to the next level.

  • AI Video Transcription
  • Notification Panel for Workspaces & Portals
  • Client Portal Duplication
  • Portal Chat Dashboard
  • Portal Theme Customization
  • Portal’s Control Bar Update

Let’s explore the updates!

AI Video Transcription

Have you ever left a client call, head buzzing with information, only to struggle to recall the crucial takeaways? Juggling note-taking while actively participating in a conversation can make retaining those valuable details a real challenge. With Fusebase’s AI Video Transcription, you’ll be fully present in every meeting, ready to soak up insights and drive exceptional results.

Our new AI transcription feature helps you free your focus and stop frantically scribbling notes, truly engaging in the conversation for a deeper understanding and better client relationships. AI-powered summaries and pinpointed action items give you the essentials at a glance and eliminate the tedious task of manually transcribing and summarizing meeting content.

Fusebase doesn’t just transcribe, it analyzes. With the power to customize your prompts, you turn conversations into information resources. Here are just a few use cases as examples:

  • Ask AI to uncover the main doubts or pain points expressed by the customer, which will give you a deeper understanding of their needs.
  • See exactly what arguments and techniques your sales manager used, allowing you to learn from their approach.
  • Pinpoint the moment the customer shifted from hesitant to interested and identify effective tactics.
  • Identifying the key factors that ultimately convinced the client to buy will give you invaluable insights into closing more deals.
  • Highlight any questions the client asked that should be added to your FAQ and draft answer options.

It’s the best solution for client calls, team meetings, webinars, workshops, and any video-based communication you need to capture.

Notification Panel for Workspaces & Portals

Our new Notification Panel for internal workspaces is your centralized hub for keeping everyone informed and aligned, reducing friction, and boosting overall project success. It eliminates the guesswork and streamlines communication for your team.

  • Get a pulse on project progress.
  • See file uploads, task completions, and other important activities as they happen.
  • Identify potential bottlenecks early on and proactively address any issues.

The Notification Panel brings clarity and efficiency to your workspaces, ensuring everyone has a clear view of what’s happening and when it’s happening. Let Fusebase handle the updates so you can focus on delivering outstanding results!

Client Portal Duplication

Tired of starting from scratch with every new client? Now you can duplicate your most successful client portals in a flash! The portal duplication feature saves you time, ensures brand consistency, and helps you effortlessly handle a growing client base.

It is ideal for designing portals and onboarding multiple clients with similar projects and needs. And this is just the beginning! More customization and duplication features are on the way. In the meantime, try duplicating one of your existing client portals and see how it simplifies your workflow.

Portal Chat Dashboard

We continue to develop features to help you streamline client communication, and our new Portal Chat Dashboard is exactly that. With it, you can keep track of all your client chats in one convenient location within your FuseBase portals. Your clients will never miss a message too: even if they close the portal, a notification will be delivered to their email.

  • Quickly respond to client inquiries and keep projects moving forward.
  • Build trust and rapport through direct, real-time communication.
  • No more scattered messages or missed replies!

Portal managers have a complete overview of all chats, while clients see only their relevant conversations. Add this widget to the portal today — your clients will thank you!

New Client Portal Themes & Theme Customization

With our new theme customization feature, your client portal can become a true extension of your brand! Go beyond basic branding and tailor every visual detail to create a unique, unforgettable experience.

  • Choose colors, fonts, backgrounds, shadows, and more to create a portal that truly reflects your brand identity.
  • Make a lasting impression with a polished, professional design that showcases your attention to detail.
  • Provide a visually stunning and user-friendly portal that enhances client experience.

Check out all the new themes, including the long-awaited dark one. Start customizing today and see the difference!

Portal’s Control Bar

Say hello to effortless portal design! Our new Control Bar puts everything you need at your fingertips, making it easier than ever to create stunning, functional client portals faster.

  • Create beautiful and helpful pages with pre-made templates for task lists, cards, onboarding flows, and more.
  • Easily insert internal page content, embeds, cards, and file uploaders – no more hunting around!
  • Create a portal that truly reflects your brand and impresses your clients.

We’re constantly adding new templates and design options to help you build the perfect portal.

What’s Coming Next

The FuseBase team is always working to enhance your client portal experience. Stay tuned for exciting new features and updates on the horizon!

Check out our roadmap to see what we’re cooking up next!

Little spoiler alert: we’re developing powerful AI copilots both for internal workspaces and client portals. Also, we’re on our way to becoming a fully automated, Zapier-like platform that supports multiple integrations. Watch us revolutionize client collaboration!

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