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New premium feature in Nimbus Note for Android and iPhone- searching through documents

It’s no secret that all and any kind of data can be saved to Nimbus Note – from regular pictures to documents of all sorts. Clearly, at some point  you are in need of an option to quickly locate information in Nimbus Note, no matter the form is was saved in. Not so long ago we announced the possibility of searching through text in pictures, and today we are happy to let you know all documents are also available for search indexing.

Download Nimbus Note for Android – https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.bvblogic.nimbusnote

Download Nimbus Note for iPhone – https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/nimbus-note-notes-to-do-lists/id828918459?mt=8

All you need to do is add the document to a note, synchronize the client; the document will be available for searching through after a while.

It’s worth pointing out that the text fragments found in a document are highlighted, and you can switch to the actual document straight from the search window.

Nimbus Note searches for text in the following types of documents: doc, docx, pdf, txt, xml and so on.

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