FuseBase Updates (Feb–Mar 2024): Granular Permissions & More
- 5 Min read
We are happy to let you know the clipper for Google Chrome and Opera has been updated (updates for Firefox and Opera will follow). Two important features have been added to the clipper:
Marker (highlight)
You often need to highlight specific fragments in an article. You could of course do it once the article is saved, but now you can do it right in the clipper’s window!
Tasks for saved pages
Among the fun features of Nimbus Note there is creating a separate task list for every note. If before tasks could be added only in Nimbus Note apps, they can now be created before notes are sent to Nimbus Note.
Download Nimbus Clipper for Google Chrome – https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/web-clipper-nimbus/kiokdhlcmjagacmcgoikapbjmmhfchbi
Download Nimbus Clipper for Opera – https://addons.opera.com/extensions/details/nimbus-clipper/
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